Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Signs of the Mark of the Beast in Australia

Satan is a snake, who continues to operate in the shadows....

Inside the Australian Government's Scary Web Site on Microchip ID Implants

May 13, 2010

If the Australian government really doesn’t want to implant its citizens with PositiveID (PSID) microchips, it sure isn’t helping itself with its Web page dedicated to a “literature review” of different patient identification technologies, including VeriChip, “palm vein scanning,” radio frequency identification, and other dystopian sci-fi ideas….

Australia is in the middle of a healthcare reform, and a central plank of those changes is the introduction of a “personally controlled electronic health record system,” or e-Health scheme, that gives each Australian a 16-digit ID number. By unfortunate coincidence, PositiveID’s VeriChip device also relies on a 16-digit system, and its Health Link medical records product sounds exactly like the online database Australia is creating.

So, paranoid Americans who believe President Obama wants to introduce a socialist World Government that controls its subjects via RFID chips just caught a lucky break: Australia is giving us all a sneak preview.


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