Thursday, September 30, 2010

Authorities Plan To Trawl Phone Calls And E Mails For Signs Of “Resentment Toward Government”


September 30, 2010
Do you resent the government for enforcing Obamacare or raising your taxes? Write about it in an email or talk about it on the phone and you could be placed under surveillance as a potential terrorist, if frightening new technology being shopped to law enforcement agencies is implemented.

Forget pre-crime and get ready for face-crime, Big Brother is set to unleash a new wave of shockingly invasive and Orwellian technology on the American people if a recent symposium in Hamburg New York is anything to go by. Federal agencies, police departments and others were all in attendance to see a demonstration of a system that trawls phone conversations, emails and instant messages to detect “resentment toward government,” alerting authorities to potential “terrorists” who are then placed under surveillance…”


U.S. looks at ways to control militant websites

What are militant web site? Answer: Ones that are Christian or Patriotic, and voice opposition to the Masonic New World Order.

A House subcommittee hears testimony on sites promoting terrorist groups and extremist ideology. One expert suggests studying the sites for information, closing them or providing countering ideology.

Militant websites are becoming more accessible and appealing to Americans, experts told members of Congress on Wednesday, adding that the sites must be monitored and some should be shut down…”



Emergency workshop prepares people for world without power


It might sound like something out of a movie, but an electromagnetic pulse could put millions in the dark and paralyze daily lives. And it's a very real threat.

That was the exact topic at a conference Tuesday in Cumberland County. Organizers of the conference at the Army War College said there's no better time to get prepared.

"Imagine going through a day without any automobiles or electricity or without computers or without phones. Think of living as perhaps you were in the 16th Century," said event organizer Bill Waddell…”



Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Did Barak Obama Intentionally Sabotage BP Oil Spill Cleanup ?

Barack Obama under fire for grossly underestimating Gulf oil spill

White House commission finds that administration lost public trust and may have sabotaged clean-up operations

The Obama administration lost the public trust and may have sabotaged clean-up operations in the Gulf of Mexico by grossly underestimating the amount of oil gushing from BP's broken Macondo well, according to a White House commission appointed to investigate the spill.

In a scathing critique of the administration's handling of the disaster, the two co-chairs of the commission yesterday said government officials made a serious blunder by releasing early estimates of the spill that were about 60 times too low.

"It's a little bit like Custer underestimating the number of Indians on the other side of the hill and paying a price for that," Bob Graham, a former Democratic senator from Florida, told reporters.
Government agencies have come under sustained assault from independent scientists for initial estimates that put the size of the spill as low as 1,000 barrels a day – even as footage from the ocean floor showed a huge cloud of oil and gas billowing out of the BP well. A team of scientific experts assembled by the government eventually raised the estimate to more than 60,000 barrels a day…”


Evidence Indicates the Well Blowout in the GOM Was Orchestrated


Monday, September 27, 2010

Obama Seeking Control of Internet

Obama going after the Internet.....can't have the truth fouling up the New World Order/One-World Government plans of the Masons....

U.S. Tries to Make It Easier to Wiretap the Internet

September 27, 2010
WASHINGTON — Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is “going dark” as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.

Essentially, officials want Congress to require all services that enable communications — including encrypted e-mail transmitters like BlackBerry, social networking Web sites like Facebook and software that allows direct “peer to peer” messaging like Skype — to be technically capable of complying if served with a wiretap order. The mandate would include being able to intercept and unscramble encrypted messages.
The bill, which the Obama administration plans to submit to lawmakers next year, …”


U.S. should be able to shut Internet, former CIA chief says

SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) - Cyberterrorism is such a threat that the U.S. president should have the authority to shut down the Internet in the event of an attack, Former
CIA Director Michael Hayden said…”


The Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion In Treasurys And Set The Stage For The Monetary Endgame

Why QE2 + QE Lite Mean The Fed Will Purchase Almost $3 Trillion In Treasurys And Set The Stage For The Monetary Endgame

September 25, 2010
Recently the debate over when QE2 will occur has taken a back seat over the question of what the implications of the Fed's latest intervention in monetary policy will be, as it is now certain that Bernanke will attempt a fresh round of monetary stimulus to prevent the recent deceleration in the economy from transforming into outright deflation. Whether or not the Fed will decide to engage in QE2 on its November 3 meeting, or as others have suggested December 14, and maybe even as far out as January 25, the actual event is now a certainty. And while many have discussed this topic in big picture terms, most notably David Tepper, who on Friday stated that no matter what, stocks will benefit from QE2, few if any have actually considered what the impact of QE2 will be on the Fed's balance sheet, and how the change in composition in Fed assets will impact all marketable asset classes. We have conducted a rough analysis on how QE2 will reshape the Fed's balance sheet. We were stunned to realize that over the next 6 months the Fed may be the net buyer of nearly $3 trillion in Treasurys, an action which will likely set off a chain of events which could result in rates dropping all the way to zero, stocks surging, and gold (and other precious metals) going from current price levels to well in the 5 digit range…”



Saturday, September 25, 2010

FBI Raids Homes of War Protestors

They're coming after the Christians next......we are the 'real' threat...

FBI searches Midwest homes

Sep 24, 2010
MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) – FBI agents searched eight homes in Chicago and Minnesota on Friday as part of an investigation the law enforcement agency said related to "the material support of terrorism."

Targets of the searches accused the government of harassing anti-war protesters.
The investigation "concerns material support of terrorism but there is no imminent threat to the (U.S.) community," FBI spokesman Steve Warfield said.

No arrests were made related to the raids, FBI spokesmen in Minneapolis and Chicago said.
"We are interviewing people in other places in the country," Warfield added, without specifying where...”


FBI cites terror link in raids of local activists

Agents raided the Minneapolis homes of five antiwar activists, seizing computers and documents.

September 24, 2010
The FBI raided the Minneapolis homes of five antiwar activists, including three leaders of the Twin Cities peace movement, Friday morning as part of what it called a probe of "activities concerning the material support of terrorism."

The Minneapolis office of an antiwar organization was also raided, protest leaders said. No one was arrested in any of the raids...”



Friday, September 24, 2010

Gulf seafood poses long-term health risks, experts say

September 22nd, 2010

Despite repeated assurances from federal officials and President Obama, independent scientists and public health experts have serious concerns about the long-term safety of Gulf seafood consumption.
In particular, experts tell Raw Story, contaminants from the massive oil spill and unprecedented use of the dispersants employed to dissolve the spill have the potential to cause cancer and neurological disorders.

In interviews with Raw Story last week, scientists and public health experts expressed concerns over possible long-term risks from eating contaminated Gulf seafood.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are cancer-causing chemicals found in crude oil that can accumulate in the food chain, absorbed by fish and shellfish. During the ongoing testing of seafood in the Gulf of Mexico by federal and state authorities, PAHs are of primary concern.

But crude oil also contains heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium that can accumulate in the food chain as well, though at a slower pace than PAHs, and are toxic to the brain and nervous system.

Another potential long-term health concern left in the wake of BP’s catastrophic oil spill is the nearly two million gallons of dispersant unleashed into the Gulf, much of it subsurface, which made both the amount used and its use unprecedented…”


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Obama Seeks Relief From UN re: Arizona Immigration Law


Obama Labels AZ Immigration Law as Human Rights Problem

The battle over immigration and the challenge to Arizona's sound and reasonable immigration law has reached a new low.

President Obama's State Department has filed an unprecedented report with the United Nations Human Rights Council citing Arizona's immigration law as a human rights problem in this country. That's right - the Obama Administration, which is challenging the AZ law in federal court, is now appealing to the United Nations - and to some of the most repressive countries in the world - actually citing the Arizona law as an example of human rights abuses in this country.

It is a comparison that is deeply troubling. How can the President compare AZ's law - which protects the state's borders and residents - to a human rights abuse? There's no shortage of legitimate human rights abuses that need to be investigated - including the murder and torture of Christians around the world because of their religious beliefs. To compare AZ's immigration law to a human rights problem is simply absurd.

This is just another example of President Obama's disturbing philosophy of placing the United States under international review…”


A New Keynesian Low - Levered FX Intervention: Brazil To Buy Dollars With Proceeds From Bond Sales

Desperate measures! A payback for Obamanation supporting drilling in offshore Brazil? or is extortion at play?

September 22, 2010
“…Mantega, speaking to reporters in Brasilia, said the Treasury can sell more debt to increase liquidity to buy dollars. You heard that right: debt-financed currency intervention. At least the trade surplus countries use capital generated from excess exports. Brazil is threatening to do something never before seen, which is to lever up in its FX intervention. Surely, this has to be the last boundary of Keynesian insanity.”



US Government 'hiding true amount of debt'

September 20, 2010
THE actual figure of the US' national debt is much higher than the official sum of $US13.4 trillion ($14.3 trillion) given by the Congressional Budget Office, according to analysts cited on Sunday by the New York Post.

"The Government is lying about the amount of debt. It is engaging in Enron accounting," said Laurence Kotlikoff, an economist at Boston University and co-author of The Coming Generational Storm: What You Need to Know about America's Economic Future.

"The problem is we're seeing an explosion in spending," added Andrew Moylan, director of government affairs for the National Taxpayers Union...”



US Congress Continues to Attack Vitamins

The NWO evil men continue to act to remove vitamins and supplements from the market place. They do not want the public able to treat themselves during the forthcoming orchestrated pandemic.

Congress Seeks to put Dietary Supplement Makers in Jail for Ten Years!

Pharmaceutical companies are once again interfering with your ability to access information about dietary supplements.

The Senate is debating a bill that will enable the FDA to put vitamin supplement makers in jail for ten years if they cite findings from peer-reviewed published scientific studies on the label of their dietary supplements or their Web site.

The pretext for these draconian proposals is a bill titled the Food Safety Accountability Act (S. 3767). The ostensible purpose of the bill is to punish anyone who knowingly contaminates food for sale. Since there are already strong laws to punish anyone who commits this crime, this bill serves little purpose other than enriching pharmaceutical interests…”


Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Ending Soon

US FDA Plans to Eliminate Many Vitamin Companies

USA & Canada Act to Remove Certain Vitamins From Shelves


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

US Preparing For War ?

Rocket with secret satellite launched from Calif.

Sep 21, 2010
VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. – A rocket carrying classified satellite cargo has been successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base on California's central coast…”



Monday, September 20, 2010

We Now See Accelerated Selling Of The U.S. Dollar

Here we go....

Sep. 20, 2010
The U.S. dollar has experienced relentless selling pressure according to Morgan Stanley's Calvin Tse:

USD Funding: As has been the theme, we saw continued USD selling this week. Indeed, USD has been sold for the fourth week in a row. Bigger picture, this represents USD selling for 14 out of the past 15 weeks. Moreover, last week’s flow was in the seventh percentile, indicating that USD net selling has only been greater than this amount 7% of the time over the past two years.

USD Selling Momentum Accelerates: On the back of strong USD selling on high volume, our gauge is indicating that USD selling momentum has entered into significant levels. Our reading is close to -3.0, which signals heavy USD-bearish momentum. The last time we’ve seen levels as extreme as this was in mid-August…”



Thursday, September 16, 2010

US Accumulated Debt Much Worse Than Stated

Fed Issues More Debt Than It Needs

September 15, 2010
“…As we pointed out in our last issue the administration will attempt to have $643 billion in stimulus passed by Congress between November 5th, and the end of the legislative session, this in the midst of 52.4% unemployment of people between 16 and 24 years old. No one needs to remind politicians and those who control them that this is the age group that fight wars and start revolutions. The corporations, which would receive tax breaks of $300 billion are making record profits and are sitting on over $1.5 trillion in cash. These are the same corporations that continue to fatten their bottom line by laying off workers. Far be it for us to call this a political payoff, especially with the elections only seven weeks away. This reminds us of five years ago when Congress allowed American transnational conglomerates, the same companies that have cost America eight million jobs over the past nine years, via offshoring and outsourcing, to bring home $350 billion from their hideaway in the Cayman Islands. The deal was that these corporations would bring home their loot at a tax rate of 5-1/4% instead of paying the regular 35%. For this they would create jobs. Needless to say, few jobs were created. These are the kind of sweetheart deals our politicians arrange for those who pay them off. Incidentally, the tax scam is still flourishing and the corporations now have $1.6 trillion sitting offshore waiting for another dispensation. Some things never change and what the administration proposes is just more of the same. A reward for those destroying our country. Wall Street, of course, looks at this quite differently, because they have an attention span and time horizon of 30 seconds, or the time needed to make the next trade or to create the next scandal. We were 28 years on Wall Street and we didn’t miss much. Incidentally, administrations pull this, let’s payback our masters, about every 2-1/2 years, thus, if you take the time to look you will find this is nothing new. Another question is where did the $868 billion in the first stimulus program go too? We have seen no accounting and sources in Washington tell us $275 billion still hasn’t been spent. Perhaps it has ended up in the hands of some labor union.

The real help is needed for creating jobs, not adding to profits of transnational conglomerates. Hasn’t anyone told the President real unemployment is 21-3/8% and the jobless between 16 and 24 years old is 52.4%? These are the youth that demonstrate and cause revolutions. Could we be setting up a repeat of 1789’s French Revolution? This is the lowest employment level for this group since statistics began to be compiled in 1948. In spite of stimulus one, hiring intentions are 50% lower than they were 1-1/2 years ago. In fact, large corporations intend to lay off even more workers. These are the same corporations that will receive, if passed, $300 billion in tax breaks, even though they have trillions in cash. In spite of the fact that Wall Street, banking, government, economists and analysts think all this is normal, it is not normal, this is a depression. Government is sustaining the depression along with the Fed. In spite of these efforts every economic statistic is lower today than it was almost three years ago. Everything is not fine and that is why the President has been told to inject $650 billion into the economy and that is why the Fed is again going to engage in quantitative easing of almost $2 trillion. The facts speak for themselves. Retail sales are 4% lower, housing starts 47% lower with an admitted 12-month inventory when in fact it is considerably higher, GDP has fallen 1% and employment has fallen 6% and is still falling. How far away can the riots be?...”

“…The administration has done a very poor job over 21 months. One in seven Americans are in poverty, that is 14.3%. Child poverty has risen from 19% to 20%, and in the 18-64 year group it has jumped from 11.7% to 12.4%. This takes us back to the War on Poverty and the late 1950s. The current anticipated poverty rate increase has moved from 13.2% to 15%. Forty-four million of Americans are on food stamps and 45 million live in poverty. Wall Street and banking get bailed out, but no jobs are created for the average American….”

“…As we have seen already as stimulus programs abound and quantitative easing holds forth, this debt and monetary debasement is forcing the middle class and the populace as a whole into the arms of government dependence. This process is destroying the middle class worldwide. As consolidation takes place in order to form monopolies, middle sized and smaller companies are driven out of business and business formation comes to an end.

Personal taxes are rising, as are taxes on the sale of your home, and in the form of higher fees at all governmental levels. It doesn’t look like the Bush tax cuts will be canceled, but other taxes are being instituted every day. The new taxes passed within the Health Care Reform are some 19 in number and employers will pay 30% more in premiums, unless they opt out by paying a large penalty tax.

What has happened to America is that the private sector only is allowed to exist to keep banking in business and to supply funds for government, bureaucrats, other criminals and the elitists who actually run your country. Who wants to start or maintain a business under these conditions? Is it any wonder that there are few new jobs? Business at the middle and lower levels have no voice in Washington. Like in Germany in the 1930s, America is run by monopoly capitalists. A marriage of transnational conglomerates and government known as corporatist fascism. They are deliberately killing small business just as we have seen for 65 years in Europe. Next comes the jackbooted thugs from Homeland Security to keep order. Those with no place to live and without jobs will be relocated to interment camps and those who criticize the regime, like us, will be eliminated.

The current depression did not just happen – it was planned that way to bring the citizens of the US and Europe to their knees economically and financially to bring about world government and the enslavement of all the world’s people. You might call this the triumph of the parasites. Over the next few years, taxation will increase until it reaches levels now seen of 60 to 83 percent in Europe. That is how they intend to strangle us just as they have Europe, with very high income taxes and value added taxes. Our industrial sector will migrate just as it is doing in Europe to the second and third worlds to bring about the great socialist leveling. The VAT tax is all consuming and in the end deeply retards growth. Just look at Europe, it is not capable of recovery. Their citizens are simply taxed to death. It’s all about control and that is what world government is all about. Taxation saps incentive and that is how countries and economies fail. There will be no end to government regulations and interference.

This all leads to a small coterie of the rich, a shrinking middle class and those with jobs and those without jobs. This gap, our President tells us, will be closed with his new $650 billion stimulus plan. Whether the items pass remains to be seen. We do know the employer of last resorts has been the federal government. We do know federal employees make double state and private workers and privately employed workers are three times more likely to be terminated. Federal workers are a privileged class, which could eventually start social conflict. Conflict federal workers could not win. That gap between federal and private employees is widening. Ninety percent of government employees receive lifetime pension benefits, while only 18% of private employees receive them.

Then there is the endemic political corruption at the federal level, although corruption is certainly present at the State level. Unions and corporate interests are the moving parties that manifest the corruption. In many states retirement benefits alone are growing at 15% annually. Worse yet, it is almost impossible to fire a public service employer. What do you do when you are broke and you must by law pay benefits? These problems go on and on and can only lead to a breakdown in society. This is what socialism and fascism have brought to America and it is not pretty….”

“…For years we have noted that the US Treasury has regularly issued much more debt than the stated official US deficit in a given year. Our conclusion was and remains that the real US deficit is the amount of new debt issuance adjusted for cash on hand. And because cash on hand at the Treasury has been declining, the real deficit has been and continues to dwarf the stated budget deficit….”



The Demise of the US Republic


New Zealand Earthquake May Be Fifth-Costliest for Insurers

The quakes are moving from remote areas to the inhabited areas.

September 15, 2010
(Bloomberg) -- The earthquake that hit New Zealand, may be the fifth-most costly for insurers, according to estimates from Risk Management Solutions.

The Sept. 4 quake may cost insurers NZ$2.1 billion ($1.5 billion) to NZ$3.5 billion, RMS said yesterday in a statement.

The 7.1-magnitude earthquake cut power and damaged more than 100,000 homes and severed water and sewage lines in and around Christchurch, New Zealand’s second-largest city. It may be among eight temblors to cost more than $1 billion, led by the $22 billion Northridge, California, earthquake in 1994, based on inflation-adjusted data provided by the Insurance Information Institute and reinsurer Munich Re….”



Earth's land areas had warmest summer on record

September 15, 2010

The Earth's land areas sizzled to their warmest summer ever recorded, according to a report released Wednesday by the National Climatic Data Center.

The summer of 2010 surpassed the previous warmest summer on record for the Earth's land areas, which was 1998.

For the year-to-date period (January-August), the Earth is enduring its warmest year since records began.

Climatologists define summer as the months of June, July and August. The climate center is a branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Global temperature data go back to 1880.

Warmer-than-average temperatures were present this summer across most of the world's land surface, according to the data center. The warmest anomalies were seen in eastern Europe, the eastern half of the contiguous USA, parts of eastern Canada and eastern Asia.

Western Russia had a phenomenally warm summer. In Moscow, July had its warmest month in 130 years. Readings consistently reached above 100 degrees….”



The Truthful Purpose of the Afgan War is Revealed

Bloggers have been stating for sometime that the purpose of the attack upon Afganistan (when allegedly it was Saudis who flew the planes into the World Trade Center) was to secure a route for a pipeline to Mr. Rockefeller's oil in the Caspian Sea.

Bombshell from London

September 17, 2010
THE London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), is the world’s leading think tank for military affairs. It represents the top echelon of defence experts, retired officers and senior military men, spanning the globe from the United States and Britain to China, Russia and India.

I’ve been an IISS member for over 20 years. IISS’s reports are always authoritative but usually cautious and diplomatic, sometimes dull. However, two weeks ago the IISS issued an explosive report on Afghanistan that is shaking Washington and its Nato allies.

The report, presided over by the former deputy director of Britain’s foreign intelligence agency, MI-6, says the threat from al-Qaeda and Taliban has been "exaggerated" by the western powers. The US-led mission in Afghanistan has "ballooned" out of all proportion from its original aim of disrupting and defeating al-Qaeda. The US-led war in Afghanistan, says IISS, using uncharacteristically blunt language, is "a long-drawn-out disaster".

Just recently, CIA chief Leon Panetta admitted there were no more than 50 members of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Yet US President Barack Obama has tripled the number of US soldiers there to 120,000 to fight Al Qaeda.

The IISS report goes on to acknowledge the presence of western troops in Afghanistan is actually fuelling national resistance. I saw the same phenomena during the 1980’s Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.

Interestingly, the portion of the report overseen by the former MI-6 Secret Intelligence Service deputy chief, Nigel Inskster, finds little Al Qaeda threat elsewhere, notably in Somalia and Yemen. Yet Washington is beefing up its attacks on both turbulent nations.

Abandoning its usual discretion, IISS said it was issuing these warnings because the deepening war in Afghanistan was threatening the west’s security interests by distracting its leaders from the world financial crisis and Iran, and burning through scarce funds needed elsewhere.

The IISS’s findings are a direct challenge to Obama, Britain’s new prime minister, David Cameron, and other US allies with troops in Afghanistan. This report undermines their rational used to sustain the increasingly unpopular conflict. It will certainly convince sceptics that the real reason for occupation of Afghanistan has to do with oil, excluding China from the region, and keeping watch on nuclear-armed Pakistan...”


Bill Gates Death Panels Tip of Iceberg

Who do these fools think they are?

September 15, 2010
Bill Gates’ advocacy for “death panels” has caused controversy amongst conservative commentators, but the real outrage behind the story has been completely overlooked – the fact that Gates is a hardcore eugenicist and has called for lowering the global population through vaccines which his foundation funds to the tune of billions.

Gates’ “death panel” comments were actually made over two months ago at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Aspen Colorado, but they only garnered attention when the video clip appeared on numerous conservative websites on Sunday, including and The Blaze.

The Aspen Ideas Festival is a project of the Aspen Institute. The Aspen Institute is primarily funded by foundations such as the Carnegie Corporation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Ford Foundation. In 1952, the Rockefellers established the Population Council, a eugenics operation.

Jurriaan Maessen and other researchers have documented how the Rockefeller Foundation has pioneered “anti-fertility vaccines” and worked with the UN Population Fund, World Bank and World Health Organization to reduce world population. “Just four years after the Rockefeller Foundation launched massive funding-operations into anti-fertility vaccines, the Task Force was created under auspices of the World Health Organization, World Bank and UN Population Fund,” writes Maessen.

The Carnegie Institution established a laboratory complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in 1904 that stockpiled millions of index cards on ordinary Americans, as researchers carefully plotted the removal of families, bloodlines and whole peoples. “From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated in the legislatures of America, as well as the nation’s social service agencies and associations,” Edwin Black wrote for the San Francisco Chronicle in 2003.

In the United States, key eugenic organizations funded by the Rockefeller, Harriman and Carnegie families included the American Eugenics Society, and its sister organization, the American Society of Human Genetics established in 1947, the above mentioned Cold Springs Harbor Experimental Station for the Study of Evolution, the Eugenic Record Office, and the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research….”



Hurricane Igor, Julia Made History Wednesday

Sep 16, 2010;
At 5 a.m. Wednesday, Hurricane Julia was upgraded to a Category 4 storm, while her brother, Hurricane Igor, maintained his Category 4 status.

In doing so, Julia also became the strongest hurricane on record so far east.

Although the storm was downgraded to a Category 3 at 5 p.m., this 12-hour period marks only the second time in recorded history that two Category 4 hurricanes were active at the same time in the Atlantic.

The other time this occurred was in September 1926….”



What Your Cell Phone Could Be Telling the Government

September 15, 2010
Smart phones do many things these days: surf the Internet, send e-mail, take photos and video (and — oh, yes — send and receive calls). But one thing they can do that phone companies don't advertise is spy on you. As long as you don't leave home without your phone, that handy gadget keeps a record of everywhere you go — a record the government can then get from your telephone company.

The law is unclear about how easy it should be for the government to get its hands on this locational data — which can reveal whether you've been going to church, attending a Tea Party rally, spending the night at a date's house or visiting a cancer-treatment center. A federal appeals court ruled last week that in some cases the government may need a search warrant. And while that's a step forward, it's not good enough. The rule should be that the government always needs a warrant to access your cell-phone records and obtain data about where you have been.

When you carry a cell phone, it is constantly sending signals about where you are. It "pings" nearby cell-phone towers about every seven seconds so it can be ready to make and receive calls. When it does, the phone is also telling the company that owns the towers where you are at that moment — data the company then stores away indefinitely. There is also a second kind of locational data that phone companies have, thanks to a GPS chip that is embedded in most smart phones now. This is even more accurate — unlike the towers, which can only pinpoint a general area where you may be, GPS can often reveal exactly where you are at any given moment within a matter of meters….”



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy

September 15, 2010

“…Marrs claims that the United States has become a nation of zombies, “dumbed down by controversial education programs, drugged out by an ever-growing pharmaceutical industry, and frightened into submission by constant threats of terrorism and economic collapse.”

He asks if a previously robust republic can transform into a zombie nation through a natural course of events, or if it needs a conspiracy. He thinks the latter. He sees the conspiracy coming from a new world order of elite globalists who are the “real rulers of America.” Until they’re “identified and confronted, no amount of hand-wringing, letter writing, or demonstrating can have any meaningful effect.”

Economically, the globalists want to rule the planet without regard to national borders. Hence the rise of multi-national corporations with fingers in every government pot. That requires socialism, which has taken root in almost every country except the United States. It needs to overtake America as well, which is why “a plan is in play to debase the US economy and impose a socialist system — whether Obama’s Marxist Socialism or Bush’s National Socialism apparently makes no difference to those wealthy or powerful enough to control the central bureaucracy of the state.”
The goal is to “turn the once-free and prosperous Republic of the United States into a socialist state populated by dumbed-down and destitute zombies by draining dry the nation’s money supply.”…”



Gulf Coaster Trail of Tears. Evacuees flee for health and safety

September 13, 2010
Parents of little Briana Frye left their Pensacola, Florida home for their health and safety. The young family was taken into the home of a Nebraskan family. After seeing what heavy metal ladened rain did to their plants, Briana's parents, Rick and Lynne Frye researched, learned about the present Gulf poisons cumulative effects, and then knew that to protect their child, they needed to leave the Gulf Coast.

Over the weekend, two Pensacola residents reported to Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors that they are ill and bleeding internally. These women left their homes, felt better and the bleeding stopped. Upon returning to their homes, the bleeding and other symptoms also returned….”



Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lookout! Government peering at you with X-rays on highway

You won't believe what's inside that plain white van

September 13, 2010A plain white van moving through traffic on a busy thoroughfare looks like a delivery vehicle, making a run to a local business.

It could be any plain white van in any American city.

But there are two men sitting in the back of the van operating X-ray machines. As their panel van moves in and out of traffic, the men use the X-ray machines to scan passing vehicles, peering behind the walls of the adjoining trucks to discover if the targets are carrying weapons, drugs or illegal immigrants.

This scenario isn't from a spy movie, it's happening every day in the United States.
The Department of Homeland Security, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Service and even local law enforcement agencies are buying and deploying mobile X-ray vans….”



United States Joint Forces Command Warns that Huge U.S. Debt Might Lead to Military Impotence, Default or Revolution

September 11, 2010
As I have repeatedly pointed out, the American military and intelligence leaders say that debt is the main national security threat to the U.S.

As I noted in February 2009 and again last December, a number of high-level officials and experts are warning of financial crisis-induced violence ... even in developed countries such as the U.S.

And as I pointed out in February of this year, the U.S. runs the risk of going the way of the Habsburg, British or French empires…”


Friday, September 10, 2010

Citing Quran-Burning Threat, Islamic Body Wants U.N. to Outlaw ‘Offenses Against Religion’

Oh we go....feed the Christians to the lawyers !!

A leading international Islamic body said Thursday that the United Nations should outlaw 'all forms of offense against religions.'
September 10, 2010 ( – Following the uproar over the threatened burning of the Quran by a small Florida church, a leading international Islamic body said Thursday that the United Nations should outlaw “all forms of offense against religions.”

“The Florida Dove World Outreach Center Church’s plan to burn copies of the Holy Quran on September 11 … requires immediate action to outlaw all acts of defamation of religions and religious sanctities,” the Morocco-based Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) said in a communique.

“It is a blot on humanity that such discriminatory attack against Islam and Islamic holy sites is continuing in the absence of deterrent legal measures, local and international.”
ISESCO, an arm of the 56-nation Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), called on the U.N. “to issue an international law criminalizing all forms of offense against religions under any circumstances.”…”



Monday, September 6, 2010

US Government to Seize IRAs & Other Personal Savings Plans

Welcome to the USSA, comrad !

US Departments of Labor and Treasury Schedule Hearing on Confiscation of Private Retirement Accounts

September 1st, 2010
On August 26, the US Department of Labor issued a news release ( It lists the agenda for the joint hearings being held with the Department of Treasury September 14-15, 2010 on what is euphemistically called “lifetime income options for retirement plans.” The hearings are being conducted by the Labor Department’s Employee Benefits Security Administration.

I don’t like speaking in tabloid-style terms, but the unstated agenda of these hearings, as I understand it, is to push for the US government to eventually nationalize (confiscate) all assets in private Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401K plans!

The US government is desperate to get its hands on private assets to help cover soaring budget deficits and debts, and this is simply the largest and easiest piggy bank that could be seized. The Investment Company Institute estimates that at the end of 2008 that there were $3.613 trillion of assets in IRAs and $2.350 trillion of assets in 401K plans.

For more than the past ten years, I have warned readers that the US government was eventually going to go after private retirement accounts. I considered that as the most important reason to avoid establishing precious metals IRAs. Very few other writers (Ron Holland being one) have picked up on this issue as early as I did. In fact, the mainstream media pretty much ignored the subject even after a House Committee held hearings on the issue in October 2008.

Obviously, an outright seizure of assets would meet stiff resistance from the public. So the confiscation will never be described as such by government officials. Expect to see terms such as “retirement income protection” thrown around. It is highly likely that such a program would be implemented in steps to help overcome public opposition.

The US government plan is to eventually take ownership of all assets in IRAs and 401K accounts and replace them with US government “Treasury Retirement Bonds.”...”



Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Oil rig explodes in Gulf of Mexico

Yea....another 'coincidence'...

Sep 02, 2010
VERMILION BAY, LA (WAFB) - The Coast Guard is responding to another oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico.

According to the Coast Guard, 13 people were onboard when it exploded and caught fire Thursday morning.

Everyone is accounted for. Officials are reporting one injury….

…Coast Guard officials said they do not yet know if there is any type of leak associated with this explosion.

They said there are reports it was not actively producing product, but they will investigate whether there is any type of environmental impact….”


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System: Too Big To Fail Global Banks Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011

This is a MUST read!

Global Collapse of the Fiat Money System: Too Big To Fail Global Banks Will Collapse Between Now and First Quarter 2011

When Quantitative Easing Has Run Its Course and Fails

August 31, 2010
Readers of my articles will recall that I have warned as far back as December 2006, that the global banks will collapse when the Financial Tsunami hits the global economy in 2007. And as they say, the rest is history.

Quantitative Easing (QE I) spearheaded by the Chairman of Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke delayed the inevitable demise of the fiat shadow money banking system slightly over 18 months.

That is why in November of 2009, I was so confident to warn my readers that by the end of the first quarter of 2010 at the earliest or by the second quarter of 2010 at the latest, the global economy will go into a tailspin. The recent alarm that the US economy has slowed down and in the words of Bernanke “the recent pace of growth is less vigorous than we expected” has all but vindicated my analysis. He warned that the outlook is uncertain and the economy “remains vulnerable to unexpected developments”.

Obviously, Bernanke’s words do not reveal the full extent of the fear that has gripped central bankers and the financial elites that assembled at the annual gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. But, you can take it from me that they are very afraid.


Let me be plain and blunt. The “unexpected developments” Bernanke referred to is the collapse of the global banks. This is FED speak and to those in the loop, this is the dire warning.

So many renowned economists have misdiagnosed the objective and consequences of quantitative easing. Central bankers’ scribes and the global mass media hoodwinked the people by saying that QE will enable the banks to lend monies to cash-starved companies and jump start the economy. The low interest rate regime would encourage all and sundry to borrow, consume and invest.

This was the fairy tale.

Then, there were some economists who were worried that as a result of the FED’s printing press (electronic or otherwise) working overtime, hyper-inflation would set in soon after.

But nothing happened. The multiplier effect of fractional reserve banking did not take off. Bank lending in fact stalled.


What happened?

Let me explain in simple terms step by step….”

