Wednesday, September 22, 2010

US Congress Continues to Attack Vitamins

The NWO evil men continue to act to remove vitamins and supplements from the market place. They do not want the public able to treat themselves during the forthcoming orchestrated pandemic.

Congress Seeks to put Dietary Supplement Makers in Jail for Ten Years!

Pharmaceutical companies are once again interfering with your ability to access information about dietary supplements.

The Senate is debating a bill that will enable the FDA to put vitamin supplement makers in jail for ten years if they cite findings from peer-reviewed published scientific studies on the label of their dietary supplements or their Web site.

The pretext for these draconian proposals is a bill titled the Food Safety Accountability Act (S. 3767). The ostensible purpose of the bill is to punish anyone who knowingly contaminates food for sale. Since there are already strong laws to punish anyone who commits this crime, this bill serves little purpose other than enriching pharmaceutical interests…”


Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Ending Soon

US FDA Plans to Eliminate Many Vitamin Companies

USA & Canada Act to Remove Certain Vitamins From Shelves


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