Friday, November 12, 2010

Uniformed men kill Congolese Catholic priest

November 11, 2010
Men in military uniforms have killed a Catholic priest in North Kivu in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

New details are emerging about the killing of Father Christian Mbusa Bakulene, pastor of Saint Jean-Baptiste de Kanyabayonga, south of Butembo, in the territory of Lubero, in North Kivu, Fides reports.

In the late afternoon of November 8, Father Bakulene was returning to the parish with a friend, carrying some Bibles that he had brought from another parish. On the way back, the motorcycle the priest was traveling on, with his companion, was stopped by an armed man in military uniform.

Before asking for money, which the pastor had none of, the thief asked: “Which of you is the pastor?” Father Bakulene replied, “I am.” After taking the money of the priest’s companion, the gunman fired several shots at Father Bakulene, killing him. …”



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