Friday, August 20, 2010

Evil Men Dumping More Toxins Into Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf is not toxic enough for the Masonic Globalists to claim a disaster....must make it worse even yet...

Corexit Is Being Sprayed at Night, Even Now (According to BP Vessel of Opportunity Workers and Others)

August 16, 2010
The government and BP have said that no dispersants have been sprayed in the Gulf since the well was partially capped on July 15th.

However, local residents have been saying for weeks that Corexit is still being sprayed.

Admiral Allen wouldn't unequivocally deny this allegation as of August 9th.

On August 10th, the Destin Log reported:

Lt. Cmdr. Dale Vogelsang, liaison officer with the United State Coast Guard, told The Log he had contacted Unified Command and they had “confirmed” that dispersants were not being used in Florida waters. “Dispersants are only being used over the wellhead in Louisiana,” Vogelsang said. “We are working with Eglin and Hurlburt to confirm what the flight pattern may be. But right now, it appears to be a normal flight.”

Vogelsang also said Unified Command confirmed to him that C-130s have never been used to distribute dispersants, as they “typically use smaller aircraft.”

But according to an article by the 910th Airlift Wing Public Affairs Office, based in Youngstown, OH., C-130H Hercules aircraft started aerial spray operations Saturday, May 1, under the direction of the president of the United States and Secretary of Defense. “The objective of the aerial spray operation is to neutralize the oil spill with oil dispersing agents,” the article states.

A July Lockheed Martin Newsletter states that “Lockheed Martin aircraft, including C-130s and P-3s, have been deployed to the Gulf region by the Air Force, Coast Guard and other government customers to perform a variety of tasks, such as monitoring, mapping and dispersant spraying.”
Neither of the articles specify the operations have taken place in Florida.

After The Log spoke with Vogelsang Friday morning, he once again reiterated that “no dispersants were being used in Florida waters,” and no dispersants have been used anywhere since mid-July. When The Log asked Vogelsang about the two articles, which state C-130s have been used for dispersant spraying, he said “if they were being used here locally to spray dispersants, then Unified Command didn’t know about it.”

In fact, there are photos and video of C-130s dropping dispersant in the Gulf.
On July 4th, marine biologist and toxicologist Dr. Chris Pincetich - who has an extensive background in testing the affects of chemicals on fish - said that the Coast Guard was spraying Corexit at night over the Gulf…”



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