Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Extreme Weather Experienced Worldwide

Signs of the times....

04 August 2010

These past few months have been filled with extreme weather in many parts of the world, and climatologists are trying to figure out what to make of it.

From flooding in China to wildfires in Russia, strong winds in Australia to stiffling heat in the United States, with waterspouts over Miami Beach, Florida. It's the season of unusual weather.

In Pakistan, floodwaters have swallowed whole villages and killed 1,500 people. "It rained the whole day and night. We did not sleep," said Mohammad Yaseen, a retired solder.

In China, torrential rains brought on the worst floods in a decade. Roads under two meters of water. Landslides surprising drivers. "I saw a rock falling down and then suddenly I heard a terrible noise, and another boulder hit my car and I was stunned," said Jiang Qidi, a driver.

In Russia, weeks of record-breaking heat and little rain are hampering efforts to extinguish wildfires. Flames surrounded and nearly trapped this group of volunteers..”




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