Wednesday, October 20, 2010

‘Religious Defamation’ Measure Coming From the United Nations

Here we go, folks....making way for Christian persecution and the Antichrist, who will be a man of false peace telling the world that we must all come together in religious pluralism. We will see that any Christian who fails to comply will be fed to the lawyers initially....and then later taken to the detention camps. Catholic churches will loose their tax exemptions first....and then be sacked later. The Church will go out the same way that she came in....via the catacombs.

Fight Looms Over ‘Religious Defamation’ Measure at the United Nations

October 19, 2010
( – Supporters and opponents of the annual United Nations’ “defamation of religion” resolution are gearing up for what may be the biggest battle yet, with Islamic states roused by recent controversies in the U.S. and critics energized by growing awareness about blasphemy laws.

This December, for the sixth consecutive year, the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) will vote on a resolution presented by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) (Islamic bloc), calling on governments to act against “religious defamation.”

Similar resolutions have also been passed each year by the U.N.’s main human rights body since 1999.

In both the UNGA and the Geneva-based Human Rights Council, the resolutions have drawn declining support in recent years, to the OIC’s dismay.

Last December’s UNGA vote passed by 80-61, with 42 countries abstaining. The 19 votes separating the “yes” and “no” positions were the smallest number yet; margins in the four previous years’ votes had ranged from 33 to 57.

The number of countries moving into the “no” column has been quite small – only seven over the five-year period. Most of the difference has been the result of non-Muslim developing countries shifting from supporting the measure, to abstaining.

Opponents of the resolution, including religious freedom, freedom of expression, legal and humanist advocacy groups, anticipate that the trend will continue until the OIC measure fails altogether.

For its part, the OIC is hoping that incidents over the past year, especially the Quran-burning and “Ground Zero mosque” episodes in the U.S. and the Swiss ban on the building of minarets, will help to reverse the tide.

OIC culture and information ministers met in Senegal last week to discuss what they said was a “growing trend of Islamophobia.”

The meeting ended with a call on the world’s governments “to take effective measures to combat the defamation of religions and negative stereotyping of people on the basis of religion, faith or race.”

A meeting of OIC foreign ministers in New York several weeks earlier also tackled the issue.
“We strongly believe that defamation of Islam geared towards denigrating and dehumanizing Muslims, their beliefs and sacred personalities, insults the deep-seated religious feelings, undermines their dignity and violates their fundamental human rights thus threatening the multicultural fabric of the societies,” they said in a statement.

“We … call upon the international community to make concrete measure with a view to fostering an environment of respect for all religions.”…”



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