Friday, October 15, 2010

Vatican: Pope launches body to re-evangelise West

Vatican City, 12 Oct. (AKI) - Pope Benedict XVI on Tuesday opened the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelisation, a new high-ranking Vatican office that aims to battle what the pontiff considers secularisation in regions with Christian roots.

The new Vatican body will direct its work toward areas like Europe which are historically Christian but in modern times has been more focused on "an individualism that often lacks public and social responsibility," said Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the newly-founded council, in a Vatican statement.

Since taking over the papacy in 2005, Benedict has made reviving the Western world's Christian roots a priority of the Vatican.

"In our own time, one of its most singular characteristics has been that of having to measure itself against the phenomenon of abandonment of the faith, which has become progressively more evident in societies and cultures that were, for centuries, impregnated with the Gospel," Benedict said on Tuesday in an Apostolic Letter which established the new council.

The Vatican said it will make use of the most modern tools available to resuscitate its 2,000 year-old faith in the West. ...”



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