Friday, February 4, 2011

How Cyclone Yasi compares in size to countries

The poor people of Queensland have been experiencing a watery hell on earth during the last few weeks. Incredible floods followed by cyclone Anthony.....and now cyclone Yasi, a category 5.

Solar Max & the Hole in the Earth's Magnetosphere

Discusses NASA's discovery of the huge hole in the earth's magnetosphere, the forthcoming expected intense solar maximum and warnings of preparation provided by God via John Leary and Louise Tomkiel (both yet-to-be-approved).


Friday, January 28, 2011

Pacific NW Seismic Fault is Fully Loaded

Seismic fault beneath us is ‘fully loaded’ after 311 years

January 26, 2011
As if you didn’t have enough worries, here is one more to add to that massive list:

“It’s been 300 years,” Bill Steele said Tuesday. “We have a fully loaded subduction zone.”

Actually, it’s been 311 years since the Great Cascadia Earthquake of 1700.

Steele, a University of Washington seismologist and spokesman for the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, said scientists have determined the monster quake occurred Jan. 26, 1700 — 311 years ago tonight…

.…Steele said it takes hundreds of years to build up the strain that causes a subduction zone earthquake. “The toe of North America, the edge, is being shoved downward. It’s like bending a ruler back,” he said, adding that the 1700 quake was the last one known to have occurred on the Cascadia subduction zone.

Remember — it’s “fully loaded.”

“It could produce another one tomorrow, or maybe a century or more away,” Steele said. “Certainly geologically, in the not too distant future we’re going to have another one.”

Steele is all for being prepared — whether it’s keeping supplies on hand at home, making sure homes and public buildings are up to withstanding big quakes, or assuring that people who live on the coast have evacuation routes.

It takes money, and recognizing the risks.

“Our purpose here is not to scare people,” Steele said.


The end of credit cards is coming

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Credit cards may soon be as outdated as vinyl records. (Remember those?) And this is the year that the slow, steady march to oblivion begins.

You can already use your iPhone, Droid or BlackBerry to buy a hotdog at the ballgame, buy your Starbucks latté, or give a friend a few bucks by Bumping phones. But by the end of the year you may not even think twice about reaching for your phone to pay at the register instead of fumbling for your credit card.

"Your plastic card hasn't changed since the age of the vinyl records," said Michael Abbott, CEO of Isis, a new mobile payment network. "This is the chance to bring payments forward from the plastic age and the vinyl records age to the digital age."

While companies have been experimenting with contactless mobile payments for years, 2011 is expected to be the year the technology really takes off. That's because millions of phones capable of making contactless payments are expected to be shipped out in 2011…”



Thursday, January 27, 2011

Today's 'Christianity' - Nothing More Than Feelings

January 26, 2011
This may come as a shock to most Christians, but if you do a search of the less contemporary translations of scripture, the word “feelings” is virtually nonexistent. Where it does appear, it is cited as more of a superficial, even negative attribute than a positive; and yet, as we watch and listen to many from today’s churches, be they leaders or laymen, not only do we see a clear fixation on feelings, both physical and emotional, we notice that those feelings have by and large become a replacement for faith.

In fact, if you substitute the word “feelings” wherever you see the word “faith” in those older Bible versions, it will become clear to you what motivates and guides the average “Christian” today – point being: most of us are not following the Living Word of God by faith, we’re simply following our feelings and calling it “faith.”

This doesn’t require a Bible.

When one considers the sobering words of the prophet Jeremiah, who said: “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked…” it should cause us to take a discerning look at what moves us. If our worship and service to Jesus Christ is measured by mood, then may I suggest our “Christianity” is more theatrical than theological? …”

…We know that drugs, alcohol, food, sex, entertainment, recreation and career can all be addictive and destructive when misused and abused. Add wealth, fame, power and influence to the mix, where pride becomes an accelerant, and you have an explosive combination. What most of us, even Christians, don’t realize though is that at the heart of it all is the subtle setting-aside of God’s Word in order to feel good….

…This is the 21st century church.

Mind you, the objective here is not to feel bad, but to hear, obey and proclaim the Word of God regardless of how it makes anyone feel. When we ignore His Word to spare our own feelings, we resist the Holy Spirit. And, when we withhold the Word from others to spare their feelings, we stifle our witness and demonstrate to one and all that we are more interested in gratifying goats, seducing sheep and running rampant with the herd, than submitting to the Shepherd.

This is why the church is in such decline – because we are going out of our way and sparing no expense to accommodate people and their passions instead of God and His Word…”

The Church is the Pillar of Truth, Not the Bible

1Ti 3:15 if I am delayed, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and bulwark of the truth. (n.b. he did not say that the Bible was the pillar and buylwark of the truth.....but the Church who wrote the Bible.)

"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector” (Cf. Mat 18:15-17)


Friday, January 21, 2011

Add'l US Preparations For War?


We have lift off... just: Massive 235ft rocket carrying a secret spy satellite replacement blasts off from California coast

21st January 2011

It is the largest rocket ever launched from the U.S. West Coast.

The 235ft-tall Delta IV Heavy Launch Vehicle lifted off at 1.10pm local time yesterday with a classified U.S. government defence satellite on board.

Carrying cargo for the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), the booster rose into the sky over California's central coast and arced over the Pacific Ocean, a spectacle visible from 50 miles away….
…Its advanced resolution replacement is thought to be capable of seeing things on the ground in much finer detail than anything similar, although experts think it doubtful it will be able to read a car registration number.

'It will be used to produce high-resolution imagery of military and terrorist facilities around the world,' Jeffrey Richelson, an expert on U.S. space reconnaissance with the National Security Archive, told CNN….”


Also, see link re: secret satelitte launched in Sept 2010:


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Russia To Adopt Universal ID Card in 2012

January 18th, 2011
For all those conspiracy theorists out there, 2012 just got a little more ominous. As required by legislation passed this last summer, Russia will adopt a universal ID card starting next year. The Universal Electronic Card (UEC) is intended to eventually replace all local, regional, and national forms of ID, providing a central database through which Russians can access everything from medical insurance to ATMs. According to the official website, the UEC will be adopted by around 1000 national and regional services along with about 10,000 commercial enterprises. The mayor of Moscow has already declared it will be able to handle public transportation there, and we can expect similar adoptions throughout the nation. Will all Russians be carrying a single form of ID that is their only passport to all public and private services? Looks like it. A similar project has started in India, and there are experiments for related concepts in Mexico. Universal ID is starting to catch on around the globe. Where will it spread to next?...”



Yellowstone Has Bulged as Magma Pocket Swells

January 19, 2011
Some places saw the ground rise by ten inches, experts report.
Yellowstone National Park's supervolcano just took a deep "breath," causing miles of ground to rise dramatically, scientists report.

The simmering volcano has produced major eruptions—each a thousand times more powerful than Mount St. Helens's 1980 eruption—three times in the past 2.1 million years. Yellowstone's caldera, which covers a 25- by 37-mile (40- by 60-kilometer) swath of Wyoming, is an ancient crater formed after the last big blast, some 640,000 years ago.

(See "When Yellowstone Explodes" in National Geographic magazine.)

Since then, about 30 smaller eruptions—including one as recent as 70,000 years ago—have filled the caldera with lava and ash, producing the relatively flat landscape we see today.

But beginning in 2004, scientists saw the ground above the caldera rise upward at rates as high as 2.8 inches (7 centimeters) a year. (Related: "Yellowstone Is Rising on Swollen 'Supervolcano.'")

The rate slowed between 2007 and 2010 to a centimeter a year or less. Still, since the start of the swelling, ground levels over the volcano have been raised by as much as 10 inches (25 centimeters) in places.

"It's an extraordinary uplift, because it covers such a large area and the rates are so high," said the University of Utah's Bob Smith, a longtime expert in Yellowstone's volcanism..."


Yellowstone: A Disaster in the Making


Monday, January 17, 2011

Extreme Weather Events Spark Fear of Global Food Crisis

Jan 17, 2011
A series of extreme weather events around the world have caused food production failures sparking fear of a global food crisis.

The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization was forced to have emergency meetings to evaluate the growing food concerns. They blame extreme weather as one of the major factors for shortages, and that urgent action is necessary.

Extreme weather has affected the global food shortages on various levels. Since July 2010, prices on basic staples wheat, corn, soybeans and rice have reached record highs.



Sun Rises 2 Days Early in Greenland

The sun rises two days early in Greenland, sparking fears that climate change is accelerating

14th January 2011
The sun over Greenland has risen two days early, baffling scientists and sparking fears that Arctic icecaps are melting faster than previously thought.

Experts say the sun should have risen over the Arctic nation's most westerly town, Ilulissat, yesterday, ending a month-and-a-half of winter darkness.

But for the first time in history light began creeping over the horizon at around 1pm on Tuesday - 48 hours ahead of the usual date of 13 January.

The mysterious sunrise has confused scientists, although it is believed the most likely explanation is that it is down to the lower height of melting icecaps allowing the sun's light to penetrate through earlier.Thomas Posch, of the Institute for Astronomy of the University of Vienna, said that a local change of the horizon was 'by far the most obvious explanation'.

He said as the ice sinks, so to does the horizon, creating the illusion that the sun has risen early….”



Queensland Floods Worst in Their History

QUEENSLAND'S flood toll continues to rise - with 18 people now confirmed dead - as federal Treasurer Wayne Swan predicted the economic cost of the disaster will be the highest in Australia's history…

…Mr Swan urged Australians to give to the appeal ''because in economic terms the scale of this disaster is probably the largest in Australia's history''.

Ms Bligh said 500,000 square kilometres of the state, including 86 towns and cities, had been affected and that 2 million people were living in areas declared disaster zones.
Governments would have to pay billions of dollars to replace destroyed infrastructure, she said….



Friday, January 14, 2011

Brazil's Worst-Ever Disaster

More than 500 dead in Brazil's worst-ever disaster

January 14, 2011
Brazil is suffering its worst-ever natural disaster after mudslides near Rio de Janeiro killed more than 500 people, the latest toll showed Friday.

Municipal officials in the Serrana region just north of Rio said at least 506 people were killed, surpassing the 437 killed in a 1967 mudslide tragedy that had been previously considered Brazil's biggest disaster.

More bodies were expected to turn up as rescuers finally reached villages cut off because of destroyed roads and bridges in the region.

Frantic efforts to locate survivors and bodies braved the risk of further mudslides, as rain continued to fall on the waterlogged region, making it even more unstable…”



Thursday, January 13, 2011

7.0 Quake in Loyalty Islands

2011 January 13


Bob Chapman: Today The Destruction of Money

Today The Destruction of Money

The U6 number fell to 16-7/8% from 17% last month, thus, the real unemployment number is 22-1/4%, off 3/8 of 1 percent in two months. The average duration of unemployment heads back up to a new record 34.2-weeks and when the share of the unemployed ranks looking for a job without success rises 2% to 44.3% you have a problem. It is hardly a winner. The workweek was unchanged at 34.3-hours. The employment rate was 58.3%, the same level it was at late in 1983. In order to re-ascend to peak employment levels 11 million jobs would have to be created. That cannot happen as the transnational conglomerates execute free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing. That would be 2.75 million jobs annually over the next four years. Still millions of illegal aliens are streaming across our borders to find work and push American citizens out of their jobs.

There has been a decline in the number of jobless claims, but layoffs of state, country and city employs has added to the jobless, some 20,000 a month. Even with all the funds being injected into the system, the economy is still stagnant. The municipal layoffs will become acute in the last quarter of the year and carry over into 2012, as more and more towns, cities and states seek protection from bankruptcy.

Personal income is stagnant, as are hours worked, as inflation increases robbing workers of purchasing power, thereby negatively affecting consumption. Adding to this discouraged workers hit a record high of 1.32 workers. If it were not for extended unemployment benefits we might just be approaching revolution. You can throw in food stamps as well for 44 million Americans; 16% of the elderly are below the poverty line and 15.7% of the public is in the same boat….

This year foreign governments will finally realize that Europe and the US won’t be able to repay most of their debts. In Europe, during the first 6-months of the year, countries will be stressed to pay back debt. All of the funding necessary won’t be available and the six with debt problems will need more assistance from the more solvent EU countries, the ECB and the IMF. There will be negotiations concerning how to solve this problem throughout the remainder of the year. The damage to European countries will be staggering. Not only will the debtor countries be hanging on by a thread, but due to a massive funds outflow the solvent countries will be in trouble as well.

In the US the problems of municipalities will finally start to be addressed as federal funding and loans are ended. We warned of the possible bankruptcy of municipal insurers, AMBAC being the focus of our concerns. At that time, three years ago, we recommended the sale of municipals and have done so since.

These predictions came to fruition in December 2010 when AMBAC went bankrupt.
In the final quarter of this year both the European and American problems will be exposed full force. This will bring about a worldwide financial crisis as the true depths of the problems are fully revealed. The impact on western finance will be more devastating than the Bear Stearns and Lehman Bros. collapses. At this juncture the timing is difficult, but that time frame seems reasonable.

Our prediction of QE2 and perhaps QE3 last May proved to be correct. Others didn’t begin to catch on until August. We projected another form of government stimulus and it came in the subtle form of a pork tax package. The renewal of the Bush tax cuts. That ended up being $868 billion. That means the Fed or someone will have to come up with about $1.6 trillion to keep the economy from keeling over and going sideways. We projected a full expenditure of $2.5 trillion in exchange for a 2 to 2-1/4% growth in GDP.

As we write European and US debt is expanding at a fast clip. The service of this debt is being exacerbated by lack of a recovery, which began in the Treasury market in June. During the past six months banks have tried to increase lending to middle and small sized companies, but there have been few who wanted to borrow. This lack of growth has impeded tax revenues for both the federal government and state entities. The fall in the stream of funds has forced major new borrowing by both groups. This trap mitigates against drawing savings from foreign countries. This limitation has started to force real interest rates higher as we have recently seen with the US 10-year note whose yield jumped from 2.40% to 3.50%. This in turn has forced interest rates on 30-year fixed rate mortgages to more than 4.8%.

Beneath the surface both in the US and Europe all matter of things are being done to keep both entities afloat. What is being done is being done without the consent of the people. Politicians are terrified and are doing as they are being told. The financial community and central banks are making all the decisions. In order to cover-up what is going on they simply lie about everything. These Sherpa's working behind the scenes fashioning a solution are preparing for debt settlement and some sort of a stabilization fund.

As we have predicted in the past we see a meeting of all countries, as opposed to unilateral action by Europe or the US. A meeting along the lines of the Smithsonian talks in the 1970s, the Plaza Accord of 1985 and the Louvre Accord of 1987, where all nations will revalue and devalue and default multilaterally 50% to 66%. Everything will be on the table. By doing it this way it becomes a simple business transaction and not a situation where everyone is ostracized. This will be detrimental to currencies, bonds and shares. Commodities and gold and silver and the shares will appreciate as they did in the 1930s and the late 1970s. It’s a hard road to take, but it is the only one open to the elites….

Today we have the destruction of money – the mediums of exchange – free trade, globalization and the phony terrorism all linked together. A 3-pronged attack to create confusion and fear and as an extension to control and destroy the wealth of the masses. This is a marriage of monetary, fiscal, geopolitical, economic and financial terrorism. The terrorists are in the banks, on Wall Street, in the City of London and running transnational conglomerates that are destroying our society and that of Europe. This complex paradigm is relentlessly day by day creating chaos within society. Needless to say, we have war and occupation thrown in for good measure in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a profitable distraction and at the same time a method of culling the population of useless eaters. As this all transpires, immune from prosecution, Wall Street and banking pull one outrageous fraud after another. As an example, as we predicted, the Attorney Generals have rolled for the bankers in Foreclosuregate. Five major banks are being allowed to settle with some 50 states. This decision was made in secret by your elected states’ Attorney Generals. This is one of the biggest frauds in American history and all that will happen is the major banks involved will get a slap on the hand and a chump change fine. The public will get nothing. Any fraud by the too big to fail banks is now permissible.

The fraud is now so pervasive and systemic that foreigners, particularly at the upper levels of the corporate world simply refuse to do business with American companies. American executives, particularly from Wall Street and banking, contend there are simply no rules or only their rules. This will elevate into trade war eventually, which has been coming for a long time and actually a trump card for US elitists. The ugliness is still under the surface, but it exists and is gaining momentum. Once that becomes reality the financial system will break down. As we have said many times once that happens all these criminals will become fugitives from justice. If other countries try to hide these people they will be sanctioned and isolated, and that shouldn’t take long. We should have courts to try these crooks. They should go to jail and their entire families be stripped of their wealth, which would go to the US Treasury. Those who committed treason should have all their assets confiscated and they should be hung.

The BIS, the Bank for International Settlements, says the six nations in trouble in Europe are indebted more than $350 billion to these sovereign nations. As we have said month’s ago it will take more than $3 trillion to bail these sovereigns out and if not bailed out many central banks and the ECB will be wiped out. As usual the bankers are trying to stall for time, hoping some miracle or some war will bail them out. Either way the taxpayers, they have decreed will pay the bill. We wonder what the rating agencies, that have been propping up the dollar and the pound will do, when they can no longer get away with lying about these ratings? We don’t believe Spain, Portugal and Belgium and perhaps Italy can survive without going bankrupt. That will take many other nations close to insolvency as well.

We have sited many examples of fraud in this publication.

We have finally come to the conclusion that our system could not function without the rampant fraud in our society….

…Price inflation continues unabated and that will worsen substantially as the year wares on. Sellers will not absorb basic price increases; they will be passed on. One printer told me he had had seven price increases on paper in the past year. That is certainly not 1.2% inflation, but the real inflation we talk about at 6.8%.

Gold and silver just completed another mini-correction and again 95% of newsletter writers, analysts and economists were wrong. As we say, go long and stay long. These fools continue to try to justify their existence. As you can see the US government, JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and HSBC cannot hold prices down for more than several days. The physical demand is overwhelming.

The Max Keiser, “Crash Banksters, Buy Silver” program is working. Max and Bid Bullion will launch a limited edition of silver coins. 25,000 units of 1/10, ¼, ½, 1 oz and 5 oz silver coins with max on one side and on the other side “Global Insurrection Against Corporate Occupation” and or “Crash Banksters, Buy Silver.” They will be .999 silver. Max will not benefit in anyway from their sale.

Over the past nine years the silver commercial short position has grown from 16,000 odd contracts to 235,000 contracts, or 1.2 billion ounces. That is a 15-fold move, while silver has only risen by 6 fold. Demand has risen over those years in part due to unnaturally low prices. As the price of silver relentlessly moves higher the reality of default heightens not only on Comex, the LBMA, in SLV and in the undisclosed, unregulated derivative market. Default is coming and cannot be avoided. The total paper market is corrupt and all those illegal profits gleaned over the years will now be more than offset by losses. This could bring about the end of paper trading in gold and silver and massive losses not only to the criminal bankers, but also to participants as well.

We believe there is a distinct possibility that the US Treasury has little or no gold left. We know for sure that bars that look and feel like gold are in Fort Knox, but we do not know if they are gold covered tungsten bars or who they belong too. There could be hundreds of billions of dollars of bogus gold bars floating around the world.

John Williams, taking into account real inflation since 1980 when gold was $850.00 an ounce, says gold should be selling at $7,700.00 an ounce. We believe silver should already be selling over $100.00 an ounce. These figures will become reality over the next several years as the elitists’ suppression of gold and silver prices nears its end.

Last June we reported that subscribers had a very difficult time getting delivery of gold from their accounts in Switzerland. We do not know how widespread this is, but if you hold gold and silver in Swiss banks you should be concerned. We always advise that if you move your assets out of the country you had best be prepared to live with them. We lived in Geneva and Zurich for three years, worked and went to university there, and the Swiss are simply financial parasites, set up by world elitists, so that they could all keep their assets safe. That is why the Swiss have had no wars for over 150 years.

That in mind, there is no question that major Western banks control Europe and the US and are influential worldwide. It could be via such control that investors who have accounts in these banks could have their gold and silver frozen in the future. If that happens it will be because the gold and silver has already been sold or leased and you will be offered currency in place of your holdings. Having lived there for some time and watching the antics of the Swiss for more than 50 years we wouldn’t trust them any further than we could kick them. We have lots of experiences yet to relay.

All banks today lie about everything, thus anything goes. They own the regulators and the governments. They are all carrying two sets of books. The entire world banking system is bogus. In order to avoid criminal charges the banks will pay in currency. The Chinese current account balance is now $2.85 trillion in various currencies, thus it is no surprise that they are buying gold, silver, commodities and anything priced reasonably. That is why every time gold and silver and commodities are knocked down they rise right up again. This war as we have pointed out for the last two years is gold versus currencies, particularly versus the dollar. The battle for the paramount world reserve currency has already been won by gold. The world just doesn’t know it yet….

…Pensions and Investment Magazine says Newt Gingrich is pushing for legislation to allow bankrupt states to file bankruptcy, and in that process renege on pension and other benefit obligations to state workers. It also means that those holding municipal bonds would be wiped out. This is a neocon dream backed by the same trash that accompanied the last moron we had for President, whose name will not pass our lips. This is nothing more nor less then a frontal attack against the average American to put them in an economic and financial position from which they have no leverage and will be forced to accept world government. It just goes to show you that you get no assistance from either party, because the same elitists groups control both. The chance for elimination of incumbents is passed and we fear what the future reactions will be…’



US Foreclosures at Record Rates and Increasing

The real estate industry may tell others that things will improve soon, but the statistics and facts point in a different direction. Many subprime and Alt-A loans are due to reset this year and in the next few years.....and they have not begun to increase rates (as they must) yet. Will the unemployed who hold ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) be able to deal with the increasing rates? Have they been successful in re-financing at the current low fixed rates when they are unemployed, have little of no savings, and due to the drop in market prices have no "equity" in their homes?

Increases in interest rates are a sure thing. As the economy begins to 'overheat' due to hyperinflation and the flight to certain commodities, they must raise rates.

And what of those who have bought homes that were foreclosed on previously and recorded via the MERS? What are their respective ownership positions (in view of the respective State laws) when there has been a break in title? How will the title companies be able to insure all of the resultant claims?

And what of the ABS bond holders in the secondary market? They possess worthless paper.

Look for a 'bailout' (aka nationalization) of all mortgages soon. As a result, the Federal Reserve (privately-owned by various central banks which are primarily owned by the Illuminati) will own or control all mortgages in America.

The US economy, and indeed the world economy, are a candles in the wind.

What the Illuminati are attempting to orchestrate is an 'orderly collapse'.....similar to the orderly collapses of the three buildings of the World Trade Center, which they orchestrated.

2010 Had Record 2.9 Million Foreclosures
Arizona, Florida and Nevada had the Highest Foreclosure Rates

Janurary 13, 2011
In 2010, 2.9 million properties received foreclosure filings -- an increase of 2 percent from 2009 and 23 percent from 2008, according to data from the website RealtryTrac.

The figures would have been worse, if not for a surprising decrease in foreclosures toward the end of 2010. December saw a 30-month low of foreclosures, with filings on 257,747 properties, a drop of 26 percent from the previous year. That was the biggest annual drop in foreclosure activity since RealtyTrac first published foreclosure data in January 2005…”


U.S. Foreclosure Filings May Jump 20% in 2011 as Crisis Peaks

Jan 12, 2011
The number of U.S. homes receiving a foreclosure filing will climb about 20 percent in 2011, reaching a peak for the housing crisis, as unemployment remains high and banks resume seizures after a slowdown, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

“We will peak in foreclosures and probably bottom out in pricing, and that’s what we need to do in order to begin the recovery,” Rick Sharga, RealtyTrac’s senior vice president, said in an interview at Bloomberg headquarters in New York. “But it’s probably not going to feel good in the process.”

A record 2.87 million properties got notices of default, auction or repossession in 2010, a 2 percent gain from a year earlier, the Irvine, California-based data seller said today in a report. The number climbed even after a plunge in filings in the last part of the year -- including a 26 percent drop in December -- as lenders came under scrutiny for their practices…”


The Demise of the US Republic


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

World Risks Food Riots as Grains Climb, Economist Chalmin Says

January 07, 2011
Jan. 6 (Bloomberg) -- The world may face social unrest including food riots in April as grain prices increase, said Philippe Chalmin, an economic adviser to the French government.

Crop damage caused by flooding in Australia and drought in Argentina is likely to boost grain prices in coming months, Chalmin, an economics professor at the University of Paris- Dauphine, said in an interview in the French capital today.

“I’m very concerned,” Chalmin said. “Around Easter we could start to see food riots.”

World food prices advanced to a record in December, partly driven by higher sugar prices, the United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization reported yesterday. The FAO’s cereal index rose to the highest level since August 2008, remaining about 37 points below the record level in April that year…”



Worst disaster on record for Queensland

January 12, 2011
As Queensland mounts a massive search and rescue effort, Bligh says the devastating floods will be the worst on record.

Addressing the state in a live broadcast this afternoon, Bligh - flanked by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard - said the state was facing "the worst natural disaster in our history".

Earlier, Bligh had warned people to expect a "gruesome day for rescue workers and a heartbreaking day for families" as a break in the weather allowed rescue workers to search for the missing. "I think we will all be shocked by what they will find."

She said in this afternoon's address that the state coroner and grief councillors had moved into the badly hit Lockyer Valley area to support a "major search and rescue effort".

Bligh has told the state to prepare for yet more tragedy, saying there were "grave" fears for 15 people in addition to those already confirmed dead.

Gillard arrived in Brisbane to inspect the devastation and said she was deeply concerned about the impact of the flood on jobs and livelihoods.

''I have been shocked. I think we've all been shocked by the images of that wall of water just wreaking such devastation. The dimensions of it are truly mind-boggling,'' Gillard said.

''We will have to work through the long-term economic impacts for Queensland, and of course the huge infrastructure re-building task to come as floodwaters subside.''

Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser said he expected the flood damage bill to be in the billions of dollars.

Bligh warned residents that homes will be completely submerged after the Brisbane River broke its banks this morning.

The banks of the Brisbane River have already broken at Yeronga and further breaks are expected today and tomorrow….”



World food price shock feared

January 12, 2011
The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has raised the alarm on the potential danger of a “food price shock”, specially for the poor people in developing countries. The FAO has announced that its food price index… a basket tracking the wholesale cost of staple commodities like rice, wheat, corn, vegetable oils, dairy products, sugar and meats — jumped to 214.7 points, above the peak of 213.5 set in June 2008.

Abdolreza Abbassian, senior economist at the FAO in Rome told the Financial Times that the prices of agricultural commodities are likely to rise further. “It will be foolish to assume that this is the peak,” he said.

Even before the warning, many countries including China are already struggling with rising food prices. It has become such a political challenge so that in the case of China, taming inflation has become a top priority, even if it means having to move up the value of the yuan against the dollar faster than usual.

“The world faces a food price shock,” the FAO economist told the Financial Times, even as he warned that the spike could lead, “if prolonged several months, to a food crisis.” Food commodity traders are reported to be worried that prices could rise further due to weather conditions…”



Timeline of recent mysterious bird, fish deaths

January 12, 2011
“…These are clear signs that something is wrong. Red flags from nature, if you will. Here's the timeline of recent deaths that have been reported:

12.13.10 - Thousands of dead barramundi fish wash up in Australia, unknown causes (

12.15.10 - Thousands of dead fish wash ashore on Florida beach, blamed on cold weather (

12.17.10 - Dead fish wash ashore at lake beach in Indiana, blamed on winter storms (

12.18.10 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in bay in Philippines, unknown causes (

12.22.10 - More than a hundred dead pelicans turn up in North Carolina, unknown causes (

12.23.10 - Hundreds of dead sea creatures wash ashore in South Carolina, blamed on cold water (

12.23.10 - Ten tons of mostly dead fish found in fishing net in New Zealand, unknown causes (

12.27.10 - Scores of dead fish wash ashore in a lake in Haiti, unknown causes (

12.28.10 - 70 bats found dead in Tucson, Ariz., unknown causes (

12.29.10 - Dozens of fish found dead in San Antonio, Texas, unknown causes (

12.31.10 - 5,000+ birds found dead in Arkansas, suffering from massive trauma and blood clots (

01.03.11 - 100,000+ dead drum fish found in Arkansas river, unknown causes (

01.03.11 - Dozens of dead birds show up in a woman's backyard in Kentucky, unknown causes (

01.03.11 - Tens of thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Md., blamed on cold water (

01.03.11 - 100 tons of dead fish wash ashore in Brazil, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Several dead manatees found on Florida coast, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on creek in Florida, unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead fish was ashore on St. Clair River in Ontario, Can., unknown causes (

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead black birds found on highway in Louisiana, suffering from internal injuries and blood clots (

01.05.11 - Hundreds of dead birds found on highway in Texas, unknown causes (

01.05.11 - Large amount of dead fish wash up on New Zealand beaches, unknown causes (

01.05.11 - Up to 100 jackdaw birds found dead on road in Sweden, unknown causes (

01.06.11 - 40,000+ dead Devil crabs washed ashore in the U.K., unknown causes (

01.07.11 - More than 1,000 dead turtle doves found in Italy, unknown causes (

01.10.11 - Countless fish found dead in U.K. brook, unknown causes (

01.11.11 - Thousands of gizzard shad fish float to the top of Lake Michigan and wash up on the shores near Chicago, blamed on cold weather (http://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews/)


Mystery deepens: Radar captures mysterious turbulence over Beebe, Ark. as doomed birds take flight,-arkansas-flock-captured-on-doppler-radar


US Looking For War With North Korea

First the US and S. Korea stage military exercises with live ammunition to rile N. this. Look for more to come.

Defense secretary Gates says North Korean ballistic missiles pose 'direct threat' to U.S.

January 11, 2011
BEIJING --U.S. Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates warned North Korea Tuesday that its nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile programs are "becoming a direct threat to the United States."

Gates, who is in China on the second leg of a four-country Asia tour, predicted that North Korea's reclusive government would succeed in developing an intercontinental ballistic missile within five years…

…Stopping North Korea's nuclear program has long been a top goal for the United States, and one that has proved elusive…”



Friday, January 7, 2011

Banks Loose Key MERS case - Look For Federal Reserve to Nationalize Mortgages

The titles seems strange, doesn't it? The Federal Reserve nationalizes mortgages?

Well, that is exactly what these so-called 'bailouts' are. The targets are nationalized by the US Government, which is owned by the privately-owned Federal Reserve; and the Illuminati who own the banks that own the Federal Reserve gain control of the targets.

These banksters who perpertrated the fraud via MERS are not stupid. This was orchestrated. It is another TOO BIG OF A PROBLEM that only 'monetization' can solve.


Banks lose key foreclosure case in top Mass. court

Jan 7, 2011 2:50pm EST
NEW YORK (Reuters) - In a decision that may affect foreclosures nationwide, Massachusetts' highest court voided the seizure of two homes by Wells Fargo & Co and U.S. Bancorp after the banks failed to show they held the mortgages at the time they foreclosed.

Bank shares fell, dragging down the broader stock market, after the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts on Friday issued its decision, which upheld a lower court ruling.

The unanimous decision is among the earliest to address the validity of foreclosures done without proper documentation. That issue last year prompted an uproar that led lenders such as Bank of America Corp, JPMorgan Chase & Co and Ally Financial Inc to temporarily stop seizing homes.

"A ruling like this will slow down the foreclosure process" for banks, said Marty Mosby, an analyst at Guggenheim Securities. "They're going to have to be really precise and get everything in order. It doesn't leave a lot of wiggle room."

Wells Fargo and U.S. Bancorp lacked authority to foreclose after having "failed to make the required showing that they were the holders of the mortgages at the time of foreclosure," Justice Ralph Gants wrote for the Massachusetts court.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Robert Cordy lambasted "the utter carelessness" that the banks demonstrated in documenting their right to own the properties.

Courts in other U.S. states are considering similar cases, and all 50 state attorneys general are examining whether lenders are forcing people out of their homes improperly….”



Thursday, January 6, 2011

Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea?

December 30, 2010
On December 24, a research report from the South Korean Foreign Ministry Institute indicated that North Korea would carry out another nuclear bomb test after the beginning of the year. -- South Korean media reported earlier this month that the North was digging a tunnel in preparation for such a nuclear test.

At the same time, reports from inside Iran indicate that a team of Iranian nuclear scientists have been sent to North Korea and that the two governments have agreed on a joint nuclear test in North Korea with a substantial financial reward for the Kim Jong-Il government…”



Iran Has Arrested 60 Christian Leaders Since Christmas, Calling Them 'A Corrupt and Deviant Current'


Iran Arrests Christians, Says They're Hard-Liners

January 05, 2011
Cairo - Iranian state television said Wednesday that leaders of the country's Christian minority have been arrested and accused of spreading a hard-line version of their faith…”



Shift of Earth's magnetic north pole affects Tampa airport


TAMPA - Scientists say the magnetic north pole is moving toward Russia and the fallout has reached -- of all places -- Tampa International Airport.

The airport has closed its primary runway until Jan. 13 to repaint the numeric designators at each end and change taxiway signage to account for the shift in location of the Earth's magnetic north pole..."


Chief NOAA scientist "The North Pole is moving rapidly"

Evidence Earth's Magnetic Poles Are Reversing


Now the FDA Is Going After Vitamin C!

January 4, 2011
The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can’t touch. Please help reverse this outrageous decision!

Let’s get this straight. The government acknowledges the risk of a worldwide flu pandemic. It acknowledges that conventional drugs cannot cure big viruses-like the mononucleosis and hepatitis viruses, many influenza viruses, and many others. It acknowledges that many bacteria have become resistant to antibiotics and are killing increasing thousands. It acknowledges the risk of a worldwide drug-resistant TB pandemic.

Despite acknowledging all this, it now insists on wiping out one of the best potential treatments for these conditions and for certain cancers as well. And why is this being done? What possible rationale is offered? Because it’s dangerous? No. Because it can’t be patented and therefore won’t be taken through the standard FDA approval process. No matter that vitamin C is one of the least toxic components of our food supply and liquid forms of it have been used safely for decades.

By the way, here is what is not safe. Don’t substitute home-made vitamin C solution for pharmaceutical grade liquid. That is not safe for injection. If the FDA action leads someone to do that, the FDA should be held responsible for the results.

The government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients. There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance.

With at least one of the pharmacies, the FDA seems to be banning injectable magnesium chloride and injectable vitamin B-complex 100 as well. These two substances are routinely added to intravenous C to make the “Myers Cocktail,” used especially for conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, and infectious diseases such as hepatitis, AIDS, mononucleosis, and flu. The FDA is not going after the Myers Cocktail directly, but is rather attacking each individual substance used to make the cocktail, and may conceivably be going after injectable vitamins and minerals in general, despite such injections being given under the care of a qualified physician…”


Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Ending Soon


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye US$ - World Bank issues its 1st yuan bonds in Hong Kong

This is significant, folks. This is add'l evidence of a shift from the US dollar to other currencies. With such moves, the US economy will die an accelerated death.

World Bank issues its 1st yuan bonds in Hong Kong

January 5, 2011
HONG KONG (AP) - The World Bank is issuing its first bonds denominated in China's yuan in Hong Kong, joining a growing number of borrowers tapping the new debt market as Beijing gradually promotes of its tightly controlled currency abroad.

The World Bank said buyers of its 500 million yuan ($76 million), two-year bond were mainly Hong Kong-based financial institutions, companies and wealthy individuals. It said the money will go into its general fund, rather than being raised for a specific purpose.

The yuan is not traded on global currency markets but Beijing has loosened controls and allows Hong Kong banks to use it. Hong Kong is Chinese territory but has its own currency and a Western-style legal system and often is used as a site for mainland companies to interact with foreign investors.

Beijing began allowing foreign companies to issue yuan debt last year. The Asian Development Bank, Caterpillar Inc. (CAT) and McDonald's Corp. have sold yuan-denominated debt to finance activities in China.

Buyers of such bonds hope to gain from both interest payments and the growing strength of the yuan, which is rising against the U.S. dollar.

China is set to gain a bigger say in the World Bank after a restructuring last year to boost the voting power of developing countries. If approved, China will be the third-biggest voting power after the United States and Japan.The World Bank provides low-interest loans and technical assistance to developing countries…”



4 Solar and 2 Lunar Eclipses in 2011

"There will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, and on earth nations will be in dismay, perplexed by the roar of the sea and the waves. People will die of fright in anticipation of what is coming upon the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. But when these signs begin to happen, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption is at hand…

Beware that your hearts do not become drowsy from carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of daily life, and that day catch you by surprise like a trap. For that day will assault everyone who lives on the face of the earth. Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:25-28 and 34-36)

Solar Eclipses:
January 4th
June 1st
June 15th ?
November 25th

Lunar Eclipses:
June 15th
December 10th




Will There Be a Bank Run on European Banks in 2011?

2011: Year of the bank run?

January 3, 2011
Is a bank run about to bring Europe to its knees?

Some market watchers say yes, pointing ominously to the torrents of money pouring out of Ireland.

Irish bank deposits declined in November for the fourth straight month, the central bank said last week. Overseas deposits fled the country at their fastest pace in more than a year.

The deposit flight compounds the stress on a financial system whose massive property-lending losses already have driven the government to accept an unpopular bailout from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

Worse yet, it shows that the solutions policymakers slapped together in the fall of 2008 helped in some cases to create even bigger problems -- ones that are now coming due.

Unconditionally guaranteeing bank deposits is just such a policy, in a country where loan losses made the banks insolvent, job loss left many taxpayers peniless and deposits now at least double annual economic output.

And this time, given the unpopularity of bailouts and dysfunctional European politics, there is ample reason to fear the banking mess won't so easily be swept aside.

"Facing facts like these, each morning when I wake up I have to wonder, 'Why is today not a good day for a wholesale run on the Irish banking system?'" asks Scott Minerd, chief investment officer at Guggenheim Partners. "And if there is a wholesale run on the Irish banking system, then what stops the same scenario from cascading into Portugal, Greece, Italy, and most importantly, Spain?"…”



Australia floodwaters cover area bigger than Texas

200,000 stranded; other half of country sees high temps, wildfires

BRISBANE, Australia — Military aircraft dropped supplies to towns cut off by floods in northeastern Australia as the prime minister promised new assistance Friday to the 200,000 people affected by waters. Southern Australia, meanwhile, soaring temperatures and tinder dry conditions have sparked wildfires.

Residents were stocking up on food or evacuating their homes as rising rivers inundated or isolated 22 towns in the state of Queensland.

Authorities warned of rising health risks from floodwaters, along with the danger of crocodiles and snakes in flooded homes.

"This disaster is a long way from over," Queensland Premier Anna Bligh told reporters….

…The inland sea that now stretches across Queensland is dotted with the roofs of flooded homes, islands of dry ground crowded with stranded livestock and small boats ferrying people and emergency supplies.

Officials say half of Queensland's 715,305 square miles is affected by the relentless flooding, which began last week after days of pounding rain caused swollen rivers to overflow. The flood zone covers an area larger than Texas…”



Swiss Bank Refuses to Release Man's Gold


Swiss Bank Refuses to Release Gold

07 Dec 2010
A client of a major Swiss bank was recently refused access to his physical gold and had to hire attorneys and threaten to expose the bank publicly before finally getting it back in his own hands, according to Jim Rickards of Omnis.

“My inference is that that gold was not there,” Rickards told King World News. “The bank had to scramble, go out and find it somewhere before they could make good delivery.

”Rickards expects the world will eventually go to a gold standard-backed currency…”



Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baltic Index Plunges - Shortages on the Way


Baltic Dry Plunges 4.5%, At Lowest Level Since 2009

When we noted last night that there was a Baltic fat finger index, we thought we were joking. Appears not. The BDIY has plunged by 4.5% overnight from 1,773 to 1,693, easily the biggest one day drop in a long time. And, more importantly, the index has just taken out the 2010 lows hit on July 15, when the BDIY last traded at 1,700..."



Monday, January 3, 2011

Soros: The United States Must Stop Resisting The Orderly Decline Of The Dollar, The Coming Global Currency And The New World Order

Believe it or not, Soros is a relatively 'small player' in the evil actions of the Illuminati. Does that tell you how wealthy the 'big players' are? Further, as is ponted out in the article below, the Beast Like a Leopard prefers to operate in the shadows, and do not care for Soros' drawing attention to their machinations.

In the video you are about to see, George Soros talks about "the creation of a New World Order", he discusses the need for a "managed decline" of the U.S. dollar and he talks at length of the global need for a true world currency. So just who is George Soros? Well, he is a billionaire "philanthropist" who came to be known as "the Man Who Broke the Bank of England" when he raked in a staggering one billion dollars during the 1992 "Black Wednesday" currency crisis. These days Soros is most famous for being perhaps the most "politically active" (at least openly) billionaire in the world. His Open Society Institute is in more than 60 countries and it spends approximately $600 million a year promoting the ideals that Soros wants promoted. Soros and his pet organizations have played a key role in quite a few "revolutions" around the globe over the last several decades, but these days the main goal of George Soros is to bring political change to the United States.

So exactly what is it that George Soros is trying to accomplish? Well, in a nutshell, what he wants is a Big Brother-style one world government based on extreme European-style socialism, strict population control and the radical green agenda. It would be a world where the state tightly regulates everything that we do for the greater benefit of the environment and of society as a whole.

However, Soros is not the "mastermind of the New World Order" that some have tried to make him out to be. The truth is that to those in the international banking elite, Soros is considered to be something of a "black sheep" and an "outsider". Much of what Soros is trying to accomplish lines up with the goals of the international banking elite, but what they don't like is that Soros won't stop publicly talking about a global currency and a "New World Order". Of course the international banking elite very much want a global currency and a "New World Order", but what they don't need is a "squeaky wheel" like Soros running around drawing unneeded attention to those goals.

Also, Soros does not seem to understand that both sides of the political spectrum in the United States are deeply influenced by the international banking elite. Sadly, the truth is that the same handful of elitist organizations has dominated the cabinets of every single president that we have had since World War II. If you doubt this, just check out how many members of each presidential administration over the last 40 years have belonged to either the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission or the Bilderberg Group. If you have never looked into this before, you will be absolutely shocked. No matter what president we elect, it is always the exact same organizations that always dominate their cabinets...

...So what is George Soros thinking about these days? Well, in the video posted below you will see Soros discussing "an orderly decline" of the U.S. dollar, the coming global currency and the importance of the New World Order...."


Video of Soros' interview:!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Chinese Economy is in Stormy Waters

Heavily invested into US Dollar investments - many of which are of dubious value -- the Chinese have imported the US inflationary rate as a result of the tanking dollar. Look for the Chinese to continue to dump the dollar into commodities (e.g. precious metals), and to nationalize US interests in China in the days to come.

China's credit bubble on borrowed time as inflation bites

The Royal Bank of Scotland has advised clients to take out protection against the risk of a sovereign default by China as one of its top trade trades for 2011. This is a new twist.

05 Dec 2010
It warns that the Communist Party will have to puncture the credit bubble before inflation reaches levels that threaten social stability. This in turn may open a can of worms.

"Many see China’s monetary tightening as a pre-emptive tap on the brakes, a warning shot across the proverbial economic bows. We see it as a potentially more malevolent reactive day of reckoning," said Tim Ash, the bank’s emerging markets chief.

Officially, inflation was 4.4pc in October, and may reach 5pc in November, but it is to hard find anybody in China who believes it is that low. Vegetables have risen 20pc in a month.

The Communist Party learned from Tiananmen in 1989 how surging prices can seed dissent. "Inflation is a redistributive mechanism in favour of the few that can protect living standards, against the large majority who cannot. The political leadership cannot, will not, take risks in that regard," said Mr Ash.

RBS recommends credit default swaps on China’s five-year debt. This is not a forecast that China will default. It is insurance against the "fat tail risk" of a hard landing, with ramifications across Asia.

The Politburo said on Friday that China would move from "relatively loose" money to a "prudent" policy next year, a recognition that credit rationing, price controls, and other forms of Medieval restraint are not enough. The question is whether Beijing has already left it too late.
Diana Choyleva from Lombard Street Research said the money supply rose at a 40pc rate in 2009 and the first half of 2010 as Beijing stoked an epic credit boom to keep uber-growth alive, but the costs of this policy now outweigh the benefits.

The economy is entering the ugly quadrant of cycle – stagflation – where credit-pumping leaks into speculation and price spirals, even as growth slows. Citigroup’s Minggao Shen said it now takes a rise of ¥1.84 in the M2 money supply to generate just one yuan of GDP growth, up from ¥1.30 earlier this decade.

The froth is going into property. Experts argue heatedly over whether or not China has managed to outdo America’s subprime bubble, or even match the Tokyo frenzy of late 1980s. The IMF straddles the two.

It concluded in a report last week that there was no nationwide bubble but that home prices in Shenzen, Shanghai, Beijing, and Nanjing seem "increasingly disconnected from fundamentals".
Prices are 22 times disposable income in Beijing, and 18 times in Shenzen, compared to eight in Tokyo. The US bubble peaked at 6.4 and has since dropped 4.7. The price-to-rent ratio in China’s eastern cities has risen by over 200pc since 2004

The IMF said land sales make up 30pc of local government revenue in Beijing. This has echoes of Ireland where "fair weather" property taxes disguised the erosion of state finances.

Ms Choyleva said China drew a false conclusion from the global credit crisis that their top-down economy trumps the free market, failing to see that the events of 2008-2009 did equally great damage to them – though of a different kind. It closed the door on mercantilist export strategies that depend on cheap loans, a cheap currency, and the willingness of the West to tolerate predatory trade.

China is trying to keep the game going as if nothing has changed, but cannot do so. It dares not raise rates fast enough to let air out of the bubble because this would expose the bad debts of the banking system. The regime is stymied.’’”


Master Lock reassessing China

Milwaukee-based company finds it can compete better from U.S. soil

January 1, 2011
It all sounds depressingly familiar: Master Lock Co., in the throes of a restructuring and under shareholder pressure to control costs, has been shipping jobs halfway around the world.

"We're strategically going at it, when it makes sense, where it makes sense," said Master Lock senior vice president Bob Rice.

In a new twist, however, it's China where Master Lock's costs are rising disruptively. The company has responded by pulling production back to Milwaukee, where the manufacturer of iconic padlocks was founded in 1921.

Master Lock and other companies have begun to reassess China:

Labor unrest rippling across China is pushing wages higher in a nation with • a supposedly inexhaustible supply of cheap workers. Thirty provinces have raised their minimum wages in the past year, some more than 20%.

Further inflating prices of Chinese imports, Beijing engineered a 20% • weakening of the dollar against the yuan in the last five years, bending to pressure from Washington, which bristles at China's tight control over its exchange rate.

Shipping rates from Chinese ports spiked fourfold in the 12 months through • August to their highest levels in maritime history, according to Universal Cargo Management Inc. in Los Angeles.

Master Lock was bringing work back to Milwaukee during the recession, Rice said.
The company's flagship industrial campus, with nearly seven football fields of unionized factory floor space, is at capacity for the first time in 15 years.

"We're not done yet," said Rice, echoing economists and trade officials who expect Chinese wages to rise further as the dollar continues to fall.

Whether it's called near-sourcing, on-shoring or re-shoring, America's outsourcing infatuation with China has cooled a few degrees...”



Campi Flegrei: The Supervolcano that Threatens All Europe

Vesuvius's big daddy: The supervolcano that threatens all life in Europe

2nd January 2011
Two thousand years ago Mount Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii. Today, a larger, far more deadly supervolcano lurks on the other side of Naples. If it erupts, Campi Flegrei could wipe out all life in Europe. So why are British scientists battling the Italians for the right to poke at it with drilling rods?

It begins with a swarm of 1,000 small earthquakes that ripple under the pavements of Naples. Air-conditioning units fall from the sides of buildings and tiles slip from the walls. Inside the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology’s control centre, a bank of screens indicates that the quakes aren’t being generated by the giant Mount Vesuvius, which looms over the city.

These quakes are coming from something far bigger, from one of the largest and most dangerous volcanoes in the world: the Campi Flegrei caldera. Vesuvius, which destroyed the Roman city of Pompeii, incinerating and suffocating thousands, is nothing more than a pimple on the back of the sleeping dragon of Campi Flegrei, an active four-mile-wide sunken volcano. A call is quickly put through to Civil Defence and the Italian Ministry of the Interior: the city must be evacuated immediately.

A short distance away, the ground around the ancient town of Pozzuoli is stretching, swelling, doming. Fumaroles – vents emitting columns of steam rich in CO2 – open up in the broken Tarmac. Four-and-a-half miles below the surface a bolt of magma has escaped the main reservoir and is rising upwards, changing and solidifying. As it reaches groundwater, it’s converted into a sponge-like stone. As the water boils away it feeds critical amounts of gas into the sponge, and the pressure builds until finally it explodes like a malfunctioning boiler.

Hundreds of billions of cubic feet of volcanic rock blasts up into the atmosphere: an explosion 200 times greater than that of the Icelandic Eyjafjallajökull volcano, which brought chaos to Europe, grounded planes in the UK for a week and is said to have cost the world economy in excess of £3 billion.

Back on the streets of Naples, it’s too late to run. Bumper-to-bumper traffic comes to a halt as drivers grind on their horns. They watch helplessly as a boiling black cloud of hot gas and rock rolls over the horizon at hurricane speed, suffocating everything in its path. In this area inhabited by millions, built in one of the most dangerous volcanic regions on earth, all life is over.

The Campi Flegrei caldera is a supervolcano. Although there’s no picture-postcard volcanic cone, hidden beneath the seemingly placid landscape lies a volcano of immense power. While a new eruption here would be more likely to result in the creation of another Vesuvius-like cone, the worst-case scenario could see it obliterating much of life in Europe.

In this eventuality the Earth’s surface would swell and crack and a series of small eruptions would cause the four-mile-wide caldera floor to collapse into the larger magma reservoir, which would in turn push more magma to the surface.

The last time the ground gave way like this, 39,000 years ago when the caldera was formed, it created the cliffs that the postcard town of Sorrento stands on now – volcanic deposits over 300ft deep. If the same kind of eruption happened today, this part of Italy could cease to exist, and the ash clouds would blot out the Sun and lower the Earth’s temperature. Life in the UK as we know it would end. We would lose our livestock, crops and three-quarters of our plant species, plunging us into a new dark age of rioting, starvation and perpetual winter.

Now an international team, including scientists from the UK, wants to drill down inside the caldera to try to better understand exactly why part of it has risen 10ft since 1969. The area at the epicentre of the swelling has seen whole streets of houses crumble and collapse. The threat is imminent. The last time the ground rose like this (between 1430 and 1538) there was an eruption that caused the formation of a new volcano.

Key to the operation is British volcanologist Chris Kilburn, from University College London, who lived in Naples for 20 years. He’s part of a long tradition of UK volcanology, which stretches back to the grand tour of the 18th century, when Sir William Hamilton provided some of the first scientific observations of Vesuvius. The UCL group are now world leaders in rock physics – especially in understanding how the Earth’s crust deforms and breaks – which makes Kilburn a vital member of the drilling team.

‘Right now we may well be in another period of uplift,’ he says. ‘If it occurs as before, we might expect another 60 years’ worth of unrest, and possible earthquakes and eruptions, with two or three more episodes and uplift to occur in the next ten years. We have to presume we have a few more decades of unrest, and if this is going to be the case, then we have to get more data about the volcano now.’

Kilburn and the other scientists’ work may well be crucial if the people of Naples – and the rest of Europe – are to avoid another Pompeii scenario. Yet despite the urgency, the mayor of Naples has just dramatically halted the project. Drilling was to begin this month on the site of the old Bagnoli steel mill, on the eastern part of the caldera, but was stopped following the very public objections of a sole local scientist, who has warned that the drilling itself could actually trigger an explosion that could destroy the city.

The people of Naples seem to be damned if they do and damned if they don’t, but is it really possible that one simple drill hole could cause an eruption that could end life as we know it in Europe? …

…The only thing standing between the 25-strong team of scientists from the ICDP and the pilot hole they need to drill are the complaints of a solitary scientist, geochemist Benedetto De Vivo. Though his arguments aren’t well supported by the wider scientific community, De Vivo maintains that even a 1,700ft-deep pilot hole could wipe out Naples, and his fears of catastrophe have been widely publicised in the Italian press. Fearing a public backlash, the mayor of Naples has delayed the start of drilling on the site in Bagnoli pending further technical reports.

I ask De Vivo if he really thinks the drilling would cause an eruption. ‘The drilling could cause an explosion – not an eruption – caused by the supercritical fluids, and could trigger small-magnitude earthquakes. This has already happened in other similar projects in other parts of the world.’…”



7.1 Quake in Chile

Major 7.1 Magnitude Earthqake Hits Chile

SANTIAGO, Chile — A magnitude-7.1 earthquake shook southern Chile on Sunday, prompting tens of thousands to flee the coast for higher ground amid fears it could generate a tsunami like the one that ravaged the area last year.

There were no reports of deaths or damage, and Vicente Nunez, head of the National Emergency Office, said no tsunami alert was issued.

"There has been no harm to people, no harm to property," Nunez said. "We will continue monitoring."

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Hawaii also said a destructive Pacific Ocean-wide tsunami was not expected...."



Saturday, January 1, 2011

21 Egyptian Christians Murdered While at Church

The New World Order (One-World Government) can neither co-exist with any Superpowers, nor strong nationalistic armies, navies or air forces throughout the world.

The Illuminati’s forthcoming orchestrated world war will be a gruesome war....a war in which the world population will be decreased significantly.....a war in which all strong nationalistic armies, navies and air forces will be decimated.....all that is, except that of NATO. We have been told via the prophetic messages via John Leary (yet-to-be-approved), that NATO will become the military of the United Nations. Further, that initially the Antichrist will rule over the European Union; and later the United Nations and the then established one-world government. Hence, NATO will become the military of the Antichrist and his one-world government.

The Illuminati have been delaying their orchestrated world war for years in an effort to buy time for Iran, Syria and China to militarize.

It is now apparent that they have given the green light to their Muslim operatives to escalate persecution of Christians.

Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters!

We shall soon join them.

Suspected suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt church

Jan 1, 2011
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (Reuters) - A bomb killed at least 21 people outside a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria early on New Year's Day and the Interior Ministry said a foreign-backed suicide bomber may have been responsible.

Dozens of people were wounded by the blast, which scattered body parts, destroyed cars and smashed windows. The attack prompted Christians to protest on the streets, and some Christians and Muslims hurled stones at each other.

Egypt has stepped up security around churches, banning cars from parking outside them, since an al Qaeda-linked group in Iraq issued a threat against the Church in Egypt in November.
Egypt's leaders were quick to call for unity, wary of any upsurge in sectarian strife or other tension as the country approaches a presidential election due in September amid some uncertainty about whether President Hosni Mubarak, 82, will run.

Mubarak promised in a televised address that terrorists would not destabilize Egypt or divide Christians and Muslims. He said the attack "carries evidence of the involvement of foreign fingers" and vowed to pursue the perpetrators.


Iraqi Christian Persecution Continues - Where is the Uproar?

Ezekiel 38: The Stage is Set


7.0 Quake in Argentina

