Thursday, January 13, 2011

US Foreclosures at Record Rates and Increasing

The real estate industry may tell others that things will improve soon, but the statistics and facts point in a different direction. Many subprime and Alt-A loans are due to reset this year and in the next few years.....and they have not begun to increase rates (as they must) yet. Will the unemployed who hold ARMs (Adjustable Rate Mortgages) be able to deal with the increasing rates? Have they been successful in re-financing at the current low fixed rates when they are unemployed, have little of no savings, and due to the drop in market prices have no "equity" in their homes?

Increases in interest rates are a sure thing. As the economy begins to 'overheat' due to hyperinflation and the flight to certain commodities, they must raise rates.

And what of those who have bought homes that were foreclosed on previously and recorded via the MERS? What are their respective ownership positions (in view of the respective State laws) when there has been a break in title? How will the title companies be able to insure all of the resultant claims?

And what of the ABS bond holders in the secondary market? They possess worthless paper.

Look for a 'bailout' (aka nationalization) of all mortgages soon. As a result, the Federal Reserve (privately-owned by various central banks which are primarily owned by the Illuminati) will own or control all mortgages in America.

The US economy, and indeed the world economy, are a candles in the wind.

What the Illuminati are attempting to orchestrate is an 'orderly collapse'.....similar to the orderly collapses of the three buildings of the World Trade Center, which they orchestrated.

2010 Had Record 2.9 Million Foreclosures
Arizona, Florida and Nevada had the Highest Foreclosure Rates

Janurary 13, 2011
In 2010, 2.9 million properties received foreclosure filings -- an increase of 2 percent from 2009 and 23 percent from 2008, according to data from the website RealtryTrac.

The figures would have been worse, if not for a surprising decrease in foreclosures toward the end of 2010. December saw a 30-month low of foreclosures, with filings on 257,747 properties, a drop of 26 percent from the previous year. That was the biggest annual drop in foreclosure activity since RealtyTrac first published foreclosure data in January 2005…”


U.S. Foreclosure Filings May Jump 20% in 2011 as Crisis Peaks

Jan 12, 2011
The number of U.S. homes receiving a foreclosure filing will climb about 20 percent in 2011, reaching a peak for the housing crisis, as unemployment remains high and banks resume seizures after a slowdown, RealtyTrac Inc. said.

“We will peak in foreclosures and probably bottom out in pricing, and that’s what we need to do in order to begin the recovery,” Rick Sharga, RealtyTrac’s senior vice president, said in an interview at Bloomberg headquarters in New York. “But it’s probably not going to feel good in the process.”

A record 2.87 million properties got notices of default, auction or repossession in 2010, a 2 percent gain from a year earlier, the Irvine, California-based data seller said today in a report. The number climbed even after a plunge in filings in the last part of the year -- including a 26 percent drop in December -- as lenders came under scrutiny for their practices…”


The Demise of the US Republic


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