Saturday, January 1, 2011

21 Egyptian Christians Murdered While at Church

The New World Order (One-World Government) can neither co-exist with any Superpowers, nor strong nationalistic armies, navies or air forces throughout the world.

The Illuminati’s forthcoming orchestrated world war will be a gruesome war....a war in which the world population will be decreased significantly.....a war in which all strong nationalistic armies, navies and air forces will be decimated.....all that is, except that of NATO. We have been told via the prophetic messages via John Leary (yet-to-be-approved), that NATO will become the military of the United Nations. Further, that initially the Antichrist will rule over the European Union; and later the United Nations and the then established one-world government. Hence, NATO will become the military of the Antichrist and his one-world government.

The Illuminati have been delaying their orchestrated world war for years in an effort to buy time for Iran, Syria and China to militarize.

It is now apparent that they have given the green light to their Muslim operatives to escalate persecution of Christians.

Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters!

We shall soon join them.

Suspected suicide bomber kills 21 at Egypt church

Jan 1, 2011
ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (Reuters) - A bomb killed at least 21 people outside a church in the Egyptian city of Alexandria early on New Year's Day and the Interior Ministry said a foreign-backed suicide bomber may have been responsible.

Dozens of people were wounded by the blast, which scattered body parts, destroyed cars and smashed windows. The attack prompted Christians to protest on the streets, and some Christians and Muslims hurled stones at each other.

Egypt has stepped up security around churches, banning cars from parking outside them, since an al Qaeda-linked group in Iraq issued a threat against the Church in Egypt in November.
Egypt's leaders were quick to call for unity, wary of any upsurge in sectarian strife or other tension as the country approaches a presidential election due in September amid some uncertainty about whether President Hosni Mubarak, 82, will run.

Mubarak promised in a televised address that terrorists would not destabilize Egypt or divide Christians and Muslims. He said the attack "carries evidence of the involvement of foreign fingers" and vowed to pursue the perpetrators.


Iraqi Christian Persecution Continues - Where is the Uproar?

Ezekiel 38: The Stage is Set


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