Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bonuses for Wall Street And Unemployment Elsewhere Continue To Grow


“…A staggering blow to the Illuminists is the exposure of the criminal cartel known as Goldman Sachs in their testimony to Congress and now helping Italy and Greece illegally circumvent eurozone rules. This will push the public away from investment and toward the safety of gold and silver.

In an attempt to smother inflation and hyperinflation the US government may follow China’s lead and increase reserve requirements. That may reduce inflation, but it would also bring the US closer to deflationary depression. One false step and the game is over. That risk also includes the ECB and England. Funds already are not being lent out and such further constriction could be disastrous. Credit has already dropped by trillions of dollars as unemployment continues to grow. There is now no question that there will be no recovery. How can there be when there is little money and credit available to grease the skids of recovery. All we are seeing is a switch to stage 2 of inflation. The question is will central banks lose control, and it is obvious they are acting in concert, and fall victim to a deflationary depression.

Domestically real estate foreclosures, both residential and commercial, continue to climb. The government’s attempt to assist the residential market has been pathetic in a situation that is overwhelming. By next year, 50% of homeowners could be under water. Business can’t get the loans they need, so they cannot increase employment and the more workers fired the more who have lost their homes.

The plight of the states in America is very serious. California, New Jersey and Pennsylvania are close to insolvency. These are followed by Michigan, Illinois, Ohio and Florida. Once the budget is passed some $25 billion will be split up among the states to keep them going. As we all know that isn’t the answer. Free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing have softened them up – now they are ready for failure.

Welcome to corporatist fascist America. Fiscal deficits of $2 trillion a year while most transnational conglomerates, Wall Street and banks haul in obscene profits and our nation suffers 21-3/4% unemployment. Making matters worse have been wars and occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have cost taxpayers off-budget losses of $1 trillion. A nation simply cannot be that dumb. It has to have been planned that way…”

The Demise of the US Republic


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