Thursday, February 25, 2010

Major Quake Predicted For Pacific NW of USA

Our Lord has been warning us for years via Louise Tomkiel and John Leary about just such a quake:

'Quake expert to Warrenton: Get ready!

City leaders sign on for hazard mapping plan after hearing ‘slam-dunk’ warning

By SANDRA SWAINThe Daily Astorian

For 400 years, pressure has been building between the tectonic plates on either side of the 700-mile fault line that runs along the ocean floor from Eureka, Calif., to Victoria, British Columbia.

"We have pretty much a slam-dunk chance of a 'quake in our lifetime or our children's lifetime," James Roddey, earth science information officer for the state Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI), told the Warrenton City Commission Tuesday.

And, Roddey said, Warrenton is one of the most vulnerable communities on the Oregon Coast.

When the fault finally blows, the result is likely to create one of the biggest earthquakes the world has ever known, a 9.0 quake that would rip the sea floor apart and shake 10 million coastal residents for 11 minutes or more, Roddey said.

The huge wall of water that would slam into the coast a few minutes after the quake would hit Warrenton hard.

For the complete article see:


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