Thursday, February 25, 2010

US Senate Bill to Limit Vitamins & Supplements


McCain wants to put Big Pharma on your OTC vitamin shelf

“…”Hear ye, hear ye! All peasants in the United States will consume only those vitamin supplements the FDA, Big Pharma’s shill operation, deems appropriate."
What? John McCain, displaying his belief that a healthy populace is a troublesome populace, has introduced a bill to allow the FDA to control what vitamin/mineral/herbal supplements Americans may buy, and in what dosages. The Life Extension website notes, “Despite nutritional supplements’ safety record, McCain’s bill would give the FDA authority to draw up a list of allowed and disallowed supplements (and supplement potencies). This bill would cause any dietary supplement to be classified as ‘adulterated’ if it is ‘manufactured, packaged, held, distributed, labeled or licensed by a dietary supplement company not registered with the Secretary.’ The ‘Secretary’ in this case is the Secretary of Health and Human Services, the department of the federal government that oversees the FDA.”
Hey, John! What happened to freedom from government interference? Wasn’t that one of your claims of future glory when you were running, ludicrously, for president? Isn’t that what your core constituency dreams of?...”

For the complete article see:

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Ending Soon


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