Friday, December 31, 2010

Iraqi Christian Persecution Continues - Where is the Uproar?

Our brave Iraqi brothers and sisters are being persecuted and murdered! Where is the uproar? Where is the liberal media now? Where is Ed Asner? Will Steven Spielberg make a motion picture about their plight?

No group has been persecuted over time like the Christians. We have been fed to the lions, burned at the stake, mass murdered, starved to death in the millions, murdered en masse with machetes, and more !

Please join me in offering our Masses and rosaries for their protection!

Two killed in Iraq attacks on Christian homes

30 December 2010
Two people have died and 14 injured in a series of attacks on Christian homes in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The homemade bomb attacks began at 1930 local time (1630 GMT) and took place in six locations in the capital.

The worst was in the district of al-Ghadir, where the deaths occurred. No-one has admitted carrying out the attacks.

It comes after a deadly attack on a Baghdad cathedral in October, which killed more than 50 people.

Militants took over the Our Lady of Salvation church during Sunday Mass, demanding the release of al-Qaeda prisoners.

'Clear message'
Al-Ghadir is home to a significant Christian population, though many have fled due to ongoing threats and violence, according to AFP news agency....”


Christians Are Casualties of 10 Baghdad Attacks

December 30, 2010
BAGHDAD — One week after an Islamic extremist group vowed to kill Christians in Iraq, a cluster of 10 bomb attacks rattled Baghdad on Thursday night and sent additional tremors of fear through the country’s already shaken Christian minority.

Two people were killed and 20 wounded, all of them Christians, according to the Ministry of the Interior. The bombs were placed near the homes of at least 14 Christian families around the city, and four bombs were defused before they could explode.

Christians have been flooding out of the country since the siege of Our Lady of Salvation, a Syrian Catholic church, in October that left nearly 60 people dead, including two priests. Many Muslim clerics and worshipers offered support to Christians after the siege. The Islamic State of Iraq, an extremist group affiliated with Al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the attack, and on Dec. 22 it promised more on its Web site...”


Series of Baghdad bombings target Christians, police say

December 30, 2010;
BAGHDAD - A series of at least six coordinated bombings in and around Baghdad on Thursday night appeared to target homes of Christians, police said. Three people were killed, including two Christians, and at least a dozen more were wounded.

The attacks began after dark with two near-simultaneous explosions and continued for about two hours. The deadliest blast occurred in central Baghdad in an area where some of the city's last remaining Christians are known to live.

Assyrians and other types of Christians comprise a slice of Iraq's most ancient heritage, and their small minority has been under siege for years. According to unofficial estimates, the Christian population in the country has shrunk by more than half since the beginning of the war...”



Strange Quakes Continue in the New Madrid Zone


Odd Earthquakes Not Letting Up In Central Arkansas

25 December 2010
Central Arkansas has been hit with a series of earthquakes recently, more than 500 since September 20.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), most were hardly noticeable but one stood out prominently when it hit the Richter scale at a 4.0 on October 11.

Geologists can't say whether the quakes will end anytime soon.

Dr. Horton of the University of Memphis feels that the ample amount of earthquakes in this state is quite unusual.

"In the New Madrid Seismic Zone there's approximately 200 per year, so if we had that many in Central Arkansas in less than a month, something is going on," Dr. Horton told CNN's Sarah Hoye.



Thursday, December 30, 2010

All Evidence Points To A Dramatic Increase In Food Prices Worldwide, Possible Shortages


December 30, 2010
For the last two weeks we have reported and researched the possibility of a food shortage due to a mixture of freezing temps, moves by our government that seem to hurt rather than help food prices, and hot, dry weather in the regions that haven’t froze.

Here are just a few of the hundreds of articles that have come out in the past month that point to rising food prices worldwide.



Europe to ban hundreds of herbal remedies

The NWO Globalists move to eliminate our ability to treat's all about control.

Safety concerns sparked drive to outlaw products

30 December 2010
Hundreds of herbal medicinal products will be banned from sale in Britain next year under what campaigners say is a "discriminatory and disproportionate" European law.

With four months to go before the EU-wide ban is implemented, thousands of patients face the loss of herbal remedies that have been used in the UK for decades.

From 1 May 2011, traditional herbal medicinal products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner to comply with an EU directive passed in 2004. The directive was introduced in response to rising concern over adverse effects caused by herbal medicines…”


Vitamins and Dietary Supplements Ending Soon

US FDA Plans to Eliminate Many Vitamin Companies

The Manufactured Flu Cocktail & the Resulting Engineered Pandemic


Monday, December 27, 2010

Obama Returns to Euthanasia Plan

Make no mistake about it....Euthanasia is in the plans of the New World Order Elites.

Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir

December 25, 2010
WASHINGTON — When a proposal to encourage end-of-life planning touched off a political storm over “death panels,” Democrats dropped it from legislation to overhaul the health care system. But the Obama administration will achieve the same goal by regulation, starting Jan. 1.
Under the new policy, outlined in a Medicare regulation, the government will pay doctors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment.

Congressional supporters of the new policy, though pleased, have kept quiet. They fear provoking another furor like the one in 2009 when Republicans seized on the idea of end-of-life counseling to argue that the Democrats’ bill would allow the government to cut off care for the critically ill.

The final version of the health care legislation, signed into law by President Obama in March, authorized Medicare coverage of yearly physical examinations, or wellness visits. The new rule says Medicare will cover “voluntary advance care planning,” to discuss end-of-life treatment, as part of the annual visit.

Under the rule, doctors can provide information to patients on how to prepare an “advance directive,” stating how aggressively they wish to be treated if they are so sick that they cannot make health care decisions for themselves.

While the new law does not mention advance care planning, the Obama administration has been able to achieve its policy goal through the regulation-writing process, a strategy that could become more prevalent in the next two years as the president deals with a strengthened Republican opposition in Congress.

In this case, the administration said research had shown the value of end-of-life planning...”



UK Calls for Children Under 5 To Be Vaccinated For Swine Flu


Health experts are calling for a mass inoculation of babies and children against swine flu.

A panel of influenza specialists, which advises the Government on vaccine policy, has proposed that the jab be given to children aged between six months and five years.

However, the news has alarmed health campaigners who point out that the vaccine has not been given proper safety tests in children...”


The Manufactured Flu Cocktail & the Resulting Engineered Pandemic


Friday, December 24, 2010

Another North American Union Meeting


Hillary attends 'North American Union' meeting
Trilateral process with Mexico, Canada proceeds with little notice

December 20, 2010
With little attention from mainstream media, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the foreign ministers of Canada and Mexico in a North American Foreign Ministers Meeting in Quebec, Canada.

The Dec. 13 meeting is a prelude to the next North American Summit Leaders meeting in 2011, a yet unscheduled trilateral summit that is the continuation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Under the low-key format, the continental meetings have been carried out with little fanfare and outside of congressional oversight.

The Canadian government website detailed that the Quebec meeting identified as important areas of trilateral cooperation" the following:

Engagement with the countries of Central America, with a view to creating a North America-Central America dialogue to strengthen regional cooperation and efforts against trans-national criminal organizations;

Trilateral cooperation on natural disaster reduction, prevention/mitigation, preparedness and response in the Americas;

A commitment to Haiti, specifically, that it remains a mutual priority and the subject of continued monitoring, including on the political transition and related democratic process.

Also mentioned on the website of the Canadian government was "the importance of an integrated North American approach to climate change, clean energy, and environmental issues writ large," as well as trilateral cooperation cyber security, Internet freedom and privacy.

Finally, the Canadian government noted that trilateral public health and safety officials had worked to revise the North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza, although changes to the agreement were not specified....”



Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Obama Prepares Executive Order For Indefinite Detention

Yes, and Obama and Bush have the same puppet masters......Christians Beware!

First president Obama becomes Bush in all but name with respect to his predecessor's economic policies, and now he follows by espousing Bush's interpretation of "civil rights" as well. According to Pro Publica, the White House is preparing an Executive Order for indefinite detention. And while the premise behind a comparable draft has been circulating around for 18 months, the uptake was seen as problematic. The "humanitarian" premise behind the order is that it will "provide for the periodic reviews of evidence against dozens of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay... and allow for the possibility that detainees from countries like Yemen might be released if circumstances change." That's the theory. The "practice" is that the Order will, as the name implies, afford the administration the option of "indefinite detention as a long-term Obama administration policy and makes clear that the White House alone will manage a review process for those it chooses to hold without charge or trial." In other words all those, and we assume that the Order is not merely targeting those involved in September 11, and is wider in its scope, who are perceived by the administration as "high value detainees" will be denied due process, and will be held in captivity essentially indefinitely with no legal recourse, for as long as the "review process" so deems fit. As for the "theory" aspect, Politico summarizes just how much of a bold lie Obama's promise two years ago to close Guantanamo has become: "Nearly two years after Obama's pledge to close the prison at Guantanamo, more inmates there are formally facing the prospect of lifelong detention and fewer are facing charges than the day Obama was elected." In other words, Obama has one upped Dubya not only when it comes to Republican economic policy, but has in fact surpassed his abrogation of basic human rights. And seeing how in the aftermath of the Assange arrest (speaking of which, Julian better run following this announcement), it is only a matter of time before that whole 'Internet free speech' premise is perceived to be a form of treason, by the likes of Biden, Palin and Lieberman, potentially punishable if not by death, then certainly indefinite, lifelong detention…”



Freak diversion of the jet stream is paralysing the globe with freezing conditions

One has to wonder if the boys at HAARP are at it again....

How a freak diversion of the jet stream is paralysing the globe with freezing conditions

22nd December 2010
It's snowing in Australia and California yet 'warm' in Greenland

The freezing conditions that have blasted Britain are being blamed on a series of weather patterns that are bringing Arctic temperatures to much of western Europe, California and even Australia.

One of the main factors is a change in the position of the jet stream - the fast-moving current of air that moves from west to east, high in the atmosphere.

Changes in the jet stream's path can cause massive changes in weather conditions across the globe and may be why Australians are now shivering their way through summer and the current freezing conditions in California.

During these grey winters, Britain's prevailing winds come from the west and south west, and bring with them warm and moist air from the sub-tropical Atlantic.

This year a high-pressure weather system over the Atlantic is blocking the jet stream’s normal path and forcing it to the north and south of Europe…”




5 revelations from the Post’s ‘Monitoring America’ investigation

December 20, 2010
The FBI is assembling a massive database on thousands of Americans, many of whom have not been accused of any crime, the Washington Post's Dana Priest and William Arkin report. The reporters' latest look at the country's ballooning national security system focuses on the role that local agencies -- often staffed by people with little to no counter-terrorism training -- have played in combating terrorism since 2001.

Here are five striking revelations in their piece:



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quake Magnitude 7.4 - Japan Region

2010 December 21 17:19:40 UTC

Japan 7.4 seabed quake sparks tsunami scare, evacuations

TOKYO — Scores of villagers on a remote Japanese island chain in the Pacific scrambled for higher ground after a major 7.4-magnitude offshore quake early Wednesday sparked a tsunami alert.

The seabed tremor struck at 2:19 am local time (1719 GMT Tuesday), jolting people out of bed as loudspeakers blared across the islands and authorities warned of the risk of a two-metre (six-foot) high local tsunami.

The tsunami alert was later downgraded and all warnings were lifted five hours after the quake hit near the Ogasawara islands, some 1,000 kilometres (600 miles) south of Tokyo. No injuries or damage were reported.



US FCC Gives Government Power to Regulate Web Traffic

Here they come!

DECEMBER 21, 2010
WASHINGTON—Federal telecommunications regulators approved new rules Tuesday that would for the first time give the federal government formal authority to regulate Internet traffic, although how much or for how long remained unclear.

The FCC has approved rules that would give the federal government authority to regulate Internet traffic and prevent broadband providers from selectively blocking web traffic. WSJ's Amy Schatz explains what the new rules really mean.

A divided Federal Communications Commission approved a proposal by Chairman Julius Genachowski to give the FCC power to prevent broadband providers from selectively blocking web traffic.

The rules will go into effect early next year, but legal challenges or action by Congress could block the FCC's action. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) on Tuesday called the FCC's action "flawed" and said lawmakers would "have an opportunity in the new Congress to push back against new rules and regulations."…”



US Attorney General's Blunt Warning on Terror Attacks

Oh yea!....Now WE are the enemy....

Dec. 21, 2010
Attorney General Eric Holder has an urgent message for Americans: While he is confident that the United States will continue to thwart attacks, "the terrorists only have to be successful once."

And while it is not certain we will be hit, the American people, he told ABC News, "have to be prepared for potentially bad news."

"What I am trying to do in this interview is to make people aware of the fact that the threat is real, the threat is different, the threat is constant," he said.

In a rare and wide-ranging interview, the attorney general disclosed chilling, new details about the evolving threat of homegrown terror, and touched on topics ranging from Wikileaks to the prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

What was uppermost on his mind, however, is the alarming rise in the number of Americans who are more than willing to attack and kill their fellow citizens. …”



Monday, December 20, 2010

Big Brother tightens choke hold on Internet

U.N., FCC intensify efforts to regulate electronic speech

December 19, 2010Editor's Note: The following report is excerpted from Jerome Corsi's Red Alert, the premium online newsletter published by the current No. 1 best-selling author, WND staff writer and senior managing director of the Financial Services Group at Gilford Securities.

The United Nations is now joining the Obama administration and Democratic commissioners on the FCC in an attempt to regulate the Internet, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.

"The U.N. is reacting to concerns of member governments, including the United States, that the Internet has made companies like WikiLeaks possible, while the FCC is more concerned about conservative news outlets on the Internet that are increasingly undermining government attempts to control the news through sympathetic mainstream media outlets," Corsi wrote.

"What is at stake is the future of electronic free-speech rights, as governments around the world realize how much less control government authorities have with a robust and critical press able to operate freely on the Internet." ...”



More False Flag Nonsense to Control Our Food Supply

Yea....more false flag terrorist nonsense. This time to gain control of our food supply. Then, only they will have access to our food....and we must accept the mark of the beast (the Chip) to get any food, health care, money, etc.....

Latest Terror Threat in US Aimed to Poison Food
Exclusive: The Dept. of Homeland Security Uncovered a Plot to Attack Hotels and Restaurants Over a Single Weekend
Dec. 20, 2010

(CBS) In this exclusive story, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports the latest terror attack to America involves the possible use of poisons - simultaneous attacks targeting hotels and restaurants at many locations over a single weekend.

A key Intelligence source has confirmed the threat as "credible." Department of Homeland Security officials, along with members of the Department of Agriculture and the FDA, have briefed a small group of corporate security officers from the hotel and restaurant industries about it....”



Sunday, December 19, 2010

2010's world gone wild: Quakes, floods, blizzards

Dec 19, 2010
This was the year the Earth struck back.

Earthquakes, heat waves, floods, volcanoes, super typhoons, blizzards, landslides and droughts killed at least a quarter million people in 2010 - the deadliest year in more than a generation. More people were killed worldwide by natural disasters this year than have been killed in terrorism attacks in the past 40 years combined.

"It just seemed like it was back-to-back and it came in waves," said Craig Fugate, who heads the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency. It handled a record number of disasters in 2010.
"The term '100-year event' really lost its meaning this year."

And we have ourselves to blame most of the time, scientists and disaster experts say.
Even though many catastrophes have the ring of random chance, the hand of man made this a particularly deadly, costly, extreme and weird year for everything from wild weather to earthquakes...."



Friday, December 17, 2010

America Has Less Manufacturing Jobs Today than Before WWII

This is an incredible statistic that all should contemplate.

America Has Less Manufacturing Jobs Today than Before the War

November 29, 2010

No not that war. Nope not that one either. Nope not that one. Yes... *that one*! The United States today now employs less people in manufacturing than anytime since 1941. This is even more staggering when you consider there were 132M Americans in the 1940 census... and we have a good bit over 300M today. So more than double the population (and I'd model double the work force), but less of these type of jobs .

An amazing chart in John Mauldin's weekly letter showing why we are having increasingly jobless recoveries.

Where there once was a massive uptick in employment when the manufacturing economy kicked in (as it has done the past 12 months), now we have the surge in activity and profits to shareholders - but much of the resultant employment pickup is in some distant land. Of course those that remain within our borders are much more productive worker bees as well….”


The Demise of the US Republic


Surprise! UN Wants to Control the Internet

Oh yea...surprise! the UN wants to regulate the Internet......The truth can not continue to get out via the Internet........It makes you wonder who is behind the Wikileaks doesn't it?

UN mulls internet regulation options
Dec 17, 2010

WikiLeaks sparks push for tighter controls.

The United Nations is considering whether to set up an inter-governmental working group to harmonise global efforts by policy makers to regulate the internet.

Establishment of such a group has the backing of several countries, spearheaded by Brazil.

At a meeting in New York on Wednesday, representatives from Brazil called for an international body made up of Government representatives that would to attempt to create global standards for policing the internet - specifically in reaction to challenges such as WikiLeaks….”



Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Martial Law: UK Police Chief Mulls Banning Protests


December 15, 2010
UK police chief Sir Paul Stephenson is considering whether to ask the British government to ban protest marches altogether in response to last week’s student riots, a move that would place Britain under a de facto state of martial law….”



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Global Elites Push to Starve the World & Control the Food

Yes.....and then they will force the Subdermal Micrcochip, the Mark of the Beast, upon all in order to receive food, health care, supplies, etc....


December 10, 2010
The push by global elitists to control the world’s food supply is collecting dangerous and globalist bed buddies. Monsanto, the globalist Agribusiness giant has now bought Blackwater, a huge, well funded and controversial, mercenary group. Blackwater has recently changed its name to Xe to help alleviate some of the heat it has received over the years. You may recall their major mess up in Iraq back on Sept. 16, 2007, when Blackwater contractors were reported to have shot and killed 17 civilians in a crowded area in Baghdad. Food manipulation with gun control. Isn’t that pretty?

Blackwater was founded by Erik Prince, a former Navy seal who inherited a huge fortune and started to grow his well funded, mercenary company for hire largely made up of law enforcement who were contracted for large money as security in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Now, Monsanto who does research world wide into altering crops and seeds, now has mercenary, armed and dangerous protection that can kill. One of the many ‘food controlling’ efforts Monsanto is involved with is the creation of what is called a ‘terminator’ seed. This is where they plant genetically modified crops that will not produce seeds to grow other plants and food. This would force all farmers to contact Monsanto or other globally controlled ‘seed controllers’ to grow more crops.


Now, armed and dangerous, global elite Monsanto, intends to control and destroy the worldwide food supply and make farmers come begging to them for more seeds, which no doubt have compromised nutritional value by design for the masses.

Monsanto has taken worldwide heat over their Terminator seeds. Naturally as with most corrupt politicians and big companies who have been caught with their genetically modified pants down, they are denying this intention…..then they say they are going to commercialize sterile seeds…..then not…..then will look at future developments…..then….plenty more bull rot. With all of their alleged confused and media manipulation on their way to starving humankind and controlling all crops, they completed a takeover of Delta & Pine Land, they bought for $1.5 billion. What does this company hold??? It has 3 terminator patents with the USDA. They have publicly stated their intentions to commercialize terminator seeds. Hmmmmm, it doesn’t sound like Monsanto is confused to me. I think their evil intentions are most clear in a ‘terminator’ sort of way.

Since 1997 people have been protesting and sabotaging GM and Monsanto controlled crops. These compromised and attacked crops are documented in Ireland, France, Britain, Spain, Switzerland, Canada and India and the USA among others.

The bottom line is that Monsanto and other UN controlled global elite groups, must have the world food supply controlled to grow their tyranny and control over the countries of the world. That means forcibly manipulating even worldwide famines and life expectancies by causing us all to die more quickly due to depleted and manipulated food we are forced to eat….”


Home Protection - Food & Water Purification


Hyperinflation in the US on the Horizon

Commentary Number 263
December 2, 2009
Economy and Financial System Face Eventual Great Collapse
Government and Fed Actions Have Narrowed Timing for Hyperinflationary Great Depression to Next Five Years
High Risk of Ultimate Dollar Crisis Unfolding in Year Ahead

“…"It was horrible. Horrible! Like lightning it struck. No one was prepared. You cannot imagine the rapidity with which the whole thing happened. The shelves in the grocery stores were empty. You could buy nothing with your paper money."

The hyperinflation in Germany’s Weimar Republic is along the lines of what likely will unfold in the United States. The following two graphs plot the same numbers, but on different scales. The data are the monthly averages of the number of paper German marks that equaled one dollar (gold-backed) in 1922 and 1923, with that number acting as something of a surrogate for the pace of inflation.

The first plot is a simple arithmetic plot, but the earlier detail is masked by the extreme numbers of the last several months, suggestive of an extraordinarily rapid and large rise in the pace of inflation. The second plot is on a logarithmic scale, where each successive power of ten represents the next tick mark on the vertical scale.

While the hyperinflation did hit rapidly, annual inflation in January 1922 already was more than 200%, up from as low as 6% in April 1921. The existing currency was abandoned at the end of 1923.

Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz noted in their classic A Monetary History of the United States that the early stages of the Weimar Republic hyperinflation was accompanied by a huge influx of foreign capital, much as had happened during the U.S. Civil War. The speculative influx of capital into the U.S. at the time of the Civil War inflation helped to stabilize the system, as the foreign capital influx into the U.S. in recent years has helped to provide relative stability and strength to the equity and credit markets. Following the Civil War, however, the underlying U.S. economy had significant untapped potential and was able to generate strong, real economic activity that covered the war’s spending excesses.

Post-World War I Germany was a different matter, where the country was financially and economically depleted as a penalty for losing the war. Here, after initial benefit, the influx of foreign capital helped to destabilize the system. "As the mark depreciated, foreigners at first were persuaded that it would subsequently appreciate and so bought a large volume of mark assets …" Such boosted the foreign exchange value of the German mark and the value of German assets. "As the German inflation went on, expectations were reversed, the inflow of capital was replaced by an outflow, and the mark depreciated more rapidly … (Friedman p. 76)."
Indeed, in the wake of its defeat in the Great War, Germany was forced to make debilitating reparations to the victors — particularly France — as well as to face loss of territory. From Foster (Chapter 11): "By late 1922, the German government could no longer afford to make reparations payments. Indignant, the French invaded the Ruhr Valley to take over the production of iron and coal (commodities used for reparations). In response, the German government encouraged its workers to go on strike. An additional issue of paper money was authorized to sustain the economy during the crisis. Sensing trouble, foreign investors abruptly withdrew their investments.

"During the first few months of 1923, prices climbed astronomically higher, with no end in sight… The nation was effectively shut down by currency collapse. Mailing a letter in late 1923 cost 21,500,000,000 marks."

The worthless German mark became useful as wall paper and toilet paper, as well as for stoking fires.

The Weimar circumstance, and its heavy reliance on foreign investment, was closer to the current U.S. situation than it was to the U.S. Civil War experience. In certain aspects, the current U.S. situation is even worse than the Weimar situation. It certainly is worse than the Civil war circumstance.

Unlike the untapped economic potential of the United States 145 years ago, today’s U.S. economy is languishing in the structural problems of the loss of its manufacturing base and a shift of domestic wealth offshore; it is mired in an economic contraction that is immune to traditional economic stimuli. As the U.S. government has attempted in recent decades to assuage electorate discontent with ever more expensive social programs; as the Federal Reserve has moved to encourage debt expansion as a remedy for lack of real, inflation-adjusted, income growth; the eventual bankruptcy of the U.S. dollar was locked in. The problem here was taken on and created willingly by U.S. government officials — embraced by both major political parties — not imposed by a victorious and vengeful enemy of war.

In the early 1920s, foreign investors in Germany were not propping up the world’s reserve currency in an effort to prevent a global financial collapse, and they did not know in advance that they were doomed to take a large hit on their German investments. In today’s environment, both central banks and major private investors know that the U.S. dollar will be a losing proposition. They either expect and/or hope that they can get out of the dollar in time to avoid losses, or, in the case of the central banks, that they can forestall the ultimate global economic crisis. Such expectations and hopes have dimmed markedly in the last two years, as the untenable U.S. fiscal condition has gained more public and global recognition….”



Monday, December 13, 2010

UN Calls for Kerosene Lamp & Incandescent Light Bulb Ban

UN & Big Business Call for Global Light Bulb Ban to Save Climate

02 December 2010

The United Nations and its corporate allies called for a global ban on incandescent light bulbs and kerosene lamps Wednesday at the COP16 global-warming summit in Cancun, claiming in a new study that “energy-efficient” lights would reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions. “Among the low hanging fruit in the climate change challenge, a switch to far more efficient lighting must rank as among the lowest,” said UN Environment Program (UNEP) chief Achim Steiner. “Efficient lighting systems is one path that is literally available at the flip of a policy switch.”

According to the report released by the UNEP, the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and two lighting-industry giants during a presentation at the climate summit, the move would reduce the world’s lighting-related electricity demand by about two percent. The paper also claimed a global ban would save money.“

We need to cut the use of kerosene for lighting," demanded chief “sustainability” officer Wolfgang Gregor of Osram, one of the world’s largest lighting manufacturers, during a news conference. “OSRAM has given its firm commitment to the … initiative, as well as to combating the use of kerosene,” he added. His company, along with lighting behemoth Philips, also worked on the UN report. …”



Smart Dust Computers Can Track Everything


NWO Smart Dust Computers Can Track Everything


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tens of Thousands Protest in UK

Protests surround Westminster as MPs debate fee rises

9 December 2010

Thousands of demonstrators are surrounding the Houses of Parliament as MPs debate plans to raise tuition fees in England to £9,000 a year.

Protesters forced their way into Parliament Square and are pressing against lines of riot police.
Police are behind barriers surrounding the Houses of Parliament.

Inside the House of Commons, Business Secretary Vince Cable told MPs the fee plans were fair and would maintain the quality of universities.

Demonstrators have pushed security barriers and thrown missiles at police lines in front of the Houses of Parliament.

In the vote to be held this afternoon about the fees plan, the coalition government is facing its first major backbench rebellion.

Students from around the UK have gathered in London for a day of protests and a rally.

The police said they were expecting 20,000 demonstrators.


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Hungary takes aim at private pension funds

Hungary aims to force 3 million people in private pension plans back into state scheme

November 24, 2010

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) -- Hungary is trying to force 3 million people now in private pension schemes back into the state system to help it meet strict budget targets.

Special incentives would be offered to those switching into the state pension plan by Jan. 31, Economy Minister Gyorgy Matolcsy said Wednesday. Those people remaining in private schemes will become ineligible for public pensions -- a move that would effectively cost them 70 percent of their retirement payouts.

At stake is about 2.7 trillion forints (euro9.8 billion, $13.5 billion) accumulated in individual pension accounts and managed by private pension funds.

The government plan, while not nationalizing private pension funds outright as Argentina did in 2008, is expected to make it very difficult for the 18 funds offering pension services in Hungary to keep operating.



Report: Soros Group to Disrupt Christmas Masses

Soros-Funded Group’s Political Director Calls for Subversive Activity During Christmas Masses

2010 December 7

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. — Isaiah 9:1

This verse from Scripture will be read at Midnight Mass, December 25, in Catholic churches across America. For radicals in the pews, however, the light focused on will be the light coming from their smartphone screens as they communicate with each other and report to Aniello Alioto, political director of the George Soros-funded Progress Now, any “hostile activity” in the form of priests explaining Catholic teaching on the family and marriage.

George Soros’ Counterfeit Catholicism is decidedly no longer limited to public political discourse. Now reaching directly into Catholic parishes, the radical subversion of the Catholic Church holds nothing sacred. Not even Christmas Mass.Thomas Peters of Catholic Vote first reported about a letter sent by Aniello Alioto to members of Catholics for Equality, a group that seeks to cause division in the Catholic Church here in America on issues related to homosexuality and marriage.

Let’s be clear what Alioto is saying: their organization plans to encourage its membership during Christmas to bring their phones to Church and to “report” from the pew whenever a priest or bishop dares to preach about the family or issues related to marriage, and to conduct fundraising in our sacred spaces.

It’s hard to imagine a more intrusive attempt to undermine the freedom of Catholic parishes and pastors to preach what the Church teaches to Catholics who are already constantly maligned outside of Mass about their views. Catholics for Equality has decided to take their fight against the Church into the very heart of our sacred worship spaces….”



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The 35 Foreign Banks That Got Bailed Out By The Fed

December 2, 2010


The 35 companies in question:
Dexia SA
BNP Paribas
Barclays PLC
Royal Bank of Scotland Group
Commerzbank AG
Danske Bank A/S
ING Groep NV
Deutsche Post AG
Erste Group Bank AG
Free State of Bavaria
HSH Nordbank AG
HSBC Holdings PLC
DZ Bank AG
Republic of Korea
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Banco Espirito Santo SA
Bank of Nova Scotia
Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd.
Syngenta AG
Mitsui & Co Ltd
Bank of Montreal
Caixa Geral de DepĆ³sitos
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
Shinhan Financial Group Co Ltd
Mitsubishi Corp
Aegon NV
Royal Bank of Canada
Sumitomo Corp


Monday, December 6, 2010

A Special Report on the BP Gulf Oil Spill


By Dr. Tom Termotto

December 1, 2010
It is with deep regret that we publish this report. We do not take this responsibility lightly, as the consequences of the following observations are of such great import and have such far-reaching ramifications for the entire planet. Truly, the fate of the oceans of the world hangs in the balance, as does the future of humankind.

The Gulf of Mexico (GOM) does not exist in isolation and is, in fact, connected to the Seven Seas. Hence, we publish these findings in order that the world community will come together to further contemplate this dire and demanding predicament. We also do so with the hope that an appropriate global response will be formulated, and acted upon, for the sake of future generations. It is the most basic responsibility for every civilization to leave their world in a better condition than that which they inherited from their forbears.

After conducting the Gulf Oil Spill Remediation Conference for over seven months, we can now disseminate the following information with the authority and confidence of those who have thoroughly investigated a crime scene. There are many research articles, investigative reports and penetrating exposes archived at the following website. Particularly those posted from August through November provide a unique body of evidence, many with compelling photo-documentaries, which portray the true state of affairs at the Macondo Prospect in the GOM.

The pictorial evidence tells the whole story.

Especially that the BP narrative is nothing but a corporate-created illusion – a web of fabrication spun in collaboration with the US Federal Government and Mainstream Media. Big Oil, as well as the Military-Industrial Complex, have aided and abetted this whole scheme and info blackout because the very future of the Oil & Gas Industry is at stake, as is the future of the US Empire which sprawls around the world and requires vast amounts of hydrocarbon fuel.

Should the truth seep out and into the mass consciousness – that the GOM is slowly but surely filling up with oil and gas – certainly many would rightly question the integrity, and sanity, of the whole venture, as well as the entire industry itself. And then perhaps the process would begin of transitioning the planet away from the hydrocarbon fuel paradigm altogether.



Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deadly H3N2 Flu On the Rise

Details On Manitoba Cluster Increase trH3N2 ConcernsRecombinomics Commentary

December 4, 2010
Harper said more than 20 people are being treated for flu at the reserve — including a three-year-old and five-year-old."

(Provincial officials) are saying this is just a common flu, but when people are coughing up blood, this is not a regular flu," Harper said.

Kettner said both people who died had underlying medical problems.

Harper said a 35-year-old woman was the first victim about a week ago, while a man, also about 35, died Thursday. Another woman, whose age is not known, was airlifted to Winnipeg last week, where she is fighting for her life.

The above comments provide additional detail on the H3N2 outbreak in Garden Hill in northern Manitoba, but critical details are missing. Media reports on December 2 did not include the serotype of the first fatality, suggesting characterization has been minimal. Similarly, the serotype for the second case had not been confirmed on December 3, although H3N2 was expected.

However, H3N2 fatalities are usually associated with patients over 65. Indeed, prior to the cases described above, Canada had reported two H3N2 deaths and both were over 65, which historically is the age of more than 90% of H3N2 fatalities. These elderly patients usually have significant chronic conditions that lead to the deaths. The severity of the underlying conditions in the above fatalities is far from clear.

Those under 65 rarely die from seasonal H3N2 and also rarely cough up blood, which has been described for 20 of the cases in northern Manitoba according to media reports, which would presumably include the three and five year old described above...”


Tribulation Protection: The Blood of the Lamb

A Signal The Plagues Are Coming


Friday, December 3, 2010

US Military 'War Gaming' For Social Unrest Due to Economic Collapse

...If we’ve “prevented economic collapse” and “avoided the depression many feared,” according to President Obama, inquiring minds are asking why the Pentagon and US Military are actively and aggressively engaged in planning responsive action to large scale economic breakdown and civil unrest scenarios...

...According to the report, the Army has spent time on financial market trading floors with JP Morgan and others, in the hopes that they can learn more about how a financial and economic attack may occur, and what the ramifications of such attacks on US stocks and bonds may be.
The Army, in a year-long war games series called Unified Quest 2011, is looking at a variety of possibilities and how to deal with them, including:

- the implications of “large scale economic breakdown” inside of the United States
- how to maintain “domestic order amid civil unrest”
- and ways to deal with fragmented global power and drastically lower budgets ...

...Clearly, the U.S. government is making contingency plans to deal with a worst-case, all-out-collapse scenario of not only the economy, but our social and political systems.

The war gaming, according to reports, began in 2008 at the onset of the economic crisis, but planners from not just the United States, but around the globe, may have been aware of the dire possibility of economic collapse even earlier. It’s well known that the U.S. government as well as foreign counterparts have been preparing bunkers and continuity of government for decades, but recent preparedness activities suggest that the planning in some aspects has been expedited. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the US government has been the leading buyer of freeze died foods for the last couple of years, and private emergency shelter contractors have reported a shortage in equipment and supplies for building personal-sized bunkers.

In a previous report titled Homeland Security To “Regionalize” Emergency Supplies Over Next 90 Days, we pointed out that FEMA, headed by Department of Homeland Security, is decentralizing emergency supplies from one main distribution facility in Washington D.C. to fifteen regional facilities around the country. Even the Russians and the EU are in high gear. Russia has reportedly begun planning and development of 5,000 new underground bunkers for the city of Moscow scheduled for completion no later than 2012. The EU, in 2006, commissioned the building of a “Doomsday Seed Vault” in a mountainside several hundred metres above sea level. The facility was built and fully stocked with millions of seeds from around the world within 18 months...."

See the Pictures below::

Pentagon, Military Actively War Gaming 'Large Scale Economic Breakdown' and 'Civil Unrest'


US Government Contines Move to Control US Food Supply

The evil Masons continue to weave their web of control. Ultimately, they will gain control of our government, conventional food supply, homes, finances, healthcare, utilities, religion, and more.....or so they think. Their plan calls for them to gain 'complete control', create an uncommon chaos and fear, and then force the Subdermal Microchip, the Mark of the Beast, upon all.

Prepare as directed now!

As they spring their traps, it will be time to flee to the refuges. Refer to link below at the very end of the article (in blue) as to how to prepare and defend against their evil plan. We have NOTHING to fear as God is with us; but we must obey His very simple directives.

Top ten lies about Senate Bill 510

(NaturalNews) The Food Safety Modernization Act looks like it's headed to become law. It's being hailed as a "breakthrough" achievement in food safety, and it would hand vast new powers and funding to the FDA so that it can clean up the food supply and protect all Americans from food-borne pathogens.There's just one problem with all this: It's all a big lie.Here are the ten biggest lies that have been promoted about S.510 by the U.S. Congress, the food industry giants and the mainstream media:

Lie #1 - Most deaths from food poisoning are caused by fresh produceHere's a whopper the mainstream media won't dare report: Out of the 1,809 people who die in America every year from food-borne pathogens (CDC estimate), only a fraction die from the manufacturer's contamination of fresh produce. By far the majority of food poisoning is caused by the consumption of spoiled processed foods, dead foods and animal-human transmission of pathogens.For example, one of the largest food-borne killers according to the CDC is Toxoplasma gondii, a disease that people acquire from cat feces coming into contact with their food, which can happen right in their own homes ( Salmonella poisoning accounts for 553 deaths a year. As a reference for relative risk, over 42,000 people die each year from road accidents in the USA, meaning driving a car has a roughly 7600% higher chance of killing you than eating fresh produce. ( terms of food-borne illness, many of the deaths come from things like spoiled tomato sauce, spoiled canned foods and spoiled pasteurized milk. S 510, of course, does absolutely nothing to address these food contamination deaths, since those foods are considered "sterilized" at the time of sale.

Lie #2 - Under S.510, the FDA would only recall products it knows to be contaminatedNot true. S.510 merely requires the FDA to have "reason to believe" a food is contaminated. So right there, that means all raw milk will be targeted by the FDA because even without conducting any scientific tests at all, the FDA can say it has "reason to believe" the milk is contaminated merely because it is raw.In other words, the FDA no longer needs science to outlaw a food product. It merely needs an opinion.Is this "reason to believe" section really true? Yep, and here's how it was amended:SEC. 208. ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION OF FOOD.23 (a) IN GENERAL. - Section 304(h)(1)(A) (21 U.S.C.24 334(h)(1)(A)) is amended by(1) striking ''credible evidence or information indicating'' and inserting ''reason to believe'';( other words, in negotiating this bill, the U.S. Senate removed the requirement that the FDA needed "credible evidence" in order to recall a product and, instead, replaced that with the FDA only needing "reason to believe."It is utterly amazing that the U.S. Congress would give the FDA to conduct large-scale product recalls and even imprison people based entirely on what the agency "has reason to believe."Last time I checked, the FDA held some pretty bizarre (if not downright moronic) beliefs, including this jaw-dropping whopper: The FDA literally believes that there is no food, no herb, no vitamin or supplement that has any ability to prevent disease of any kind. They don't even believe limes can prevent scurvy, and you'd have to nutritionally illiterate to believe that.The FDA believes foods are inert and that all the amazing phytonutrients in those foods (carotenoids, antioxidants, therapeutic fats like omega-3 and so on) are utterly useless for human biology.This belief, held by the FDA that has now been put in charge of the food supply, is the belief system of an insane government agency that has completely lost touch with reality while abandoning nutritional science.

Lie #3 - They didn't tell you that nearly 70% of grocery store chickens are contaminated with salmonella every dayYep, it's true: Amid all the fear-mongering over salmonella, everybody forgot to notice that the vast majority of fresh chickens sold at grocery stores every single day are widely contaminated with salmonella ( Yet S 510 does absolutely nothing to address this. It's not even mentioned in the bill.In fact, it is these contaminated chickens that end up cross-contaminating the fresh produce in many kitchens across America. So the so-called "food poisoning" that's often blamed on spinach or onions often originates with the contaminated chicken meat people bring home and slice on their kitchen cutting boards.

Lie #4 - S.510 will exclude and protect small farmersThe Tester Amendment, which was finally included in S.510, excludes farmers who sell less than $500,000 worth of food each year from the more onerous paperwork and compliance burdens described in the bill. But this dollar amount is not indexed to inflation, meaning that as the U.S. dollar continues to lose value due to the Federal Reserve counterfeiting machine running at full speed (more "quantitative easing," anyone?), food prices will continue to skyrocket -- and this will shift even small family farms into the $500,000 sales range within just a few years.In fact, a single-family farm with just four people could easily sell $500,000 worth of fresh produce a year right now, even before inflation. Remember, $500,000 is not their profit, but rather the gross sales amount. The profits on that might be only $50,000 or even less.Furthermore, this $500,000 threshold means that small, successful farms that are doing well and would like to expand will refuse to hire more people or expand their operations. To avoid the tyranny of S 510, small farms will try to stay small, and that means avoiding the kind of business expansion that would create new jobs.

Lie #5 - The FDA needs more power to enforce food safetyThe FDA already has the power to effectively recall foods by publicly announcing a product has been found to be contaminated. The FDA already has the power to confiscate "misbranded" products, too, and it could easily use this power to halt the sale of contaminated food items.But the FDA simply refuses to enforce the laws already on the books and, instead, has sought to expand its power by hyping up the e.coli food scares. The ploy apparently worked: Now in a reaction to the food scare-mongering, the FDA is being handed not just new powers, but more funding, too! And you can bet it will find creative new ways to put this power to work suppressing the health freedoms and food freedoms of the American people.

Lie #6 - Fresh produce is contaminated because of a lack of paperworkThere is no evidence that requiring farms to fill out more paperwork will make their food safer. The real cause of produce contamination is the existence of factory animal farms whose effluent output (huge rivers of cow feces, basically), end up in the water supply, soils and equipment that comes into contact with fresh produce.The food contamination problem is an UPSTREAM problem where you've got to reform the factory animal operations that now dominate the American meat industry. S.510, however, does absolutely nothing to address this. Factory animal farms aren't even addressed in the bill!

Lie #7 - The American people are dying in droves from unsafe fresh foodThe truth is that Americans are dying from processed food laced with toxic chemical additives, not from fresh, raw produce. Partially-hydrogenated oils, white sugar, aspartame, MSG and artificial food colors almost certainly kill far more people than bacterial contaminations.The American public is also dying from pharmaceuticals -- anywhere from 100,000 to 240,000 people a year are killed by FDA-approved drugs (, most of which have been approved under the guise of blatantly fraudulent science and drug company trickery. The FDA doesn't seem to mind. In fact, it has been a willful co-conspirator in the scientific fraud carried out by Big Pharma in the name of "medicine." ( think that the FDA -- the very same agency responsible for the Big Pharma death machine -- is now going to "save us" by controlling food safety is highly irrational.

Lie #8 - The FDA just wants to make food "safer"Actually, the FDA wants to make the food more DEAD. Both the FDA and the USDA are vocal opponents of live food. They think that the only safe food is sterilized food, which is why they've supported the fumigation, pasteurization and irradiation efforts that have been pushed over the last few years.California almond growers, for example, must now either chemically fumigate or pasteurize their almonds before selling them ( This has destroyed the incomes of U.S. almond farmers and forced U.S. food companies to buy raw almonds from Spain and other countries.

Lie #9 - Food smuggling is a huge problem in AmericaOne of the main sections of S.510 addresses "food smuggling." Yep -- people smuggling food across the country. If you've never heard of this problem that's because it's not actually a problem.Not yet anyway.But there's a reason why they put this into the bill: Because they're probably planning on criminalizing fresh produce and then arresting people for transporting broccoli with the "intent to distribute."Yep, farmers bringing fresh produce to sell at the weekend farmer's market could soon be arrested and imprisoned as if they were drug smugglers. Hence the need for the "food smuggling" provisions of S.510.Soon, we will all have to meet in secret locations just to trade carrots for cash.
Lie #10 - S.510 will make America's food supply the safest in the worldActually, even with S.510 in place, America's food supply is among the most chemically contaminated in the world, second only to China. You can find mercury in the seafood, BPA in the canned soup, yeast extract (MSG) in the "natural" potato chips, and artificial petrochemical coloring agents in children's foods.Eating the "Standard American Diet" is probably the single most harmful thing a person can do for their health. It's the fastest way to get cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Every nation in the world that begins to consume the American diet starts to show record rates of degenerative disease within one generation. This is the "safe food" that the U.S. Senate is now pushing on everyone.Remember, with S.510, SAFE = DEAD. And the FDA says it wants to keep everybody safe.

Permission granted to reproduce and post this list with creditFeel free to share this list! Please give the courtesy of credit to this author and a clickable link back to We are working hard to fight for freedom and educate the public about why we need to resist these "Big Government solutions" that trample over our Constitutional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (which, in my mind, includes buying fresh produce at the farmer's market).Thank you for your support.


How Great is Our God! (read the links provided therein.)
