Friday, December 24, 2010

Another North American Union Meeting


Hillary attends 'North American Union' meeting
Trilateral process with Mexico, Canada proceeds with little notice

December 20, 2010
With little attention from mainstream media, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met with the foreign ministers of Canada and Mexico in a North American Foreign Ministers Meeting in Quebec, Canada.

The Dec. 13 meeting is a prelude to the next North American Summit Leaders meeting in 2011, a yet unscheduled trilateral summit that is the continuation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Under the low-key format, the continental meetings have been carried out with little fanfare and outside of congressional oversight.

The Canadian government website detailed that the Quebec meeting identified as important areas of trilateral cooperation" the following:

Engagement with the countries of Central America, with a view to creating a North America-Central America dialogue to strengthen regional cooperation and efforts against trans-national criminal organizations;

Trilateral cooperation on natural disaster reduction, prevention/mitigation, preparedness and response in the Americas;

A commitment to Haiti, specifically, that it remains a mutual priority and the subject of continued monitoring, including on the political transition and related democratic process.

Also mentioned on the website of the Canadian government was "the importance of an integrated North American approach to climate change, clean energy, and environmental issues writ large," as well as trilateral cooperation cyber security, Internet freedom and privacy.

Finally, the Canadian government noted that trilateral public health and safety officials had worked to revise the North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza, although changes to the agreement were not specified....”



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