Friday, December 17, 2010

America Has Less Manufacturing Jobs Today than Before WWII

This is an incredible statistic that all should contemplate.

America Has Less Manufacturing Jobs Today than Before the War

November 29, 2010

No not that war. Nope not that one either. Nope not that one. Yes... *that one*! The United States today now employs less people in manufacturing than anytime since 1941. This is even more staggering when you consider there were 132M Americans in the 1940 census... and we have a good bit over 300M today. So more than double the population (and I'd model double the work force), but less of these type of jobs .

An amazing chart in John Mauldin's weekly letter showing why we are having increasingly jobless recoveries.

Where there once was a massive uptick in employment when the manufacturing economy kicked in (as it has done the past 12 months), now we have the surge in activity and profits to shareholders - but much of the resultant employment pickup is in some distant land. Of course those that remain within our borders are much more productive worker bees as well….”


The Demise of the US Republic


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