Monday, December 20, 2010

More False Flag Nonsense to Control Our Food Supply

Yea....more false flag terrorist nonsense. This time to gain control of our food supply. Then, only they will have access to our food....and we must accept the mark of the beast (the Chip) to get any food, health care, money, etc.....

Latest Terror Threat in US Aimed to Poison Food
Exclusive: The Dept. of Homeland Security Uncovered a Plot to Attack Hotels and Restaurants Over a Single Weekend
Dec. 20, 2010

(CBS) In this exclusive story, CBS News chief investigative correspondent Armen Keteyian reports the latest terror attack to America involves the possible use of poisons - simultaneous attacks targeting hotels and restaurants at many locations over a single weekend.

A key Intelligence source has confirmed the threat as "credible." Department of Homeland Security officials, along with members of the Department of Agriculture and the FDA, have briefed a small group of corporate security officers from the hotel and restaurant industries about it....”



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