Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deadly H3N2 Flu On the Rise

Details On Manitoba Cluster Increase trH3N2 ConcernsRecombinomics Commentary

December 4, 2010
Harper said more than 20 people are being treated for flu at the reserve — including a three-year-old and five-year-old."

(Provincial officials) are saying this is just a common flu, but when people are coughing up blood, this is not a regular flu," Harper said.

Kettner said both people who died had underlying medical problems.

Harper said a 35-year-old woman was the first victim about a week ago, while a man, also about 35, died Thursday. Another woman, whose age is not known, was airlifted to Winnipeg last week, where she is fighting for her life.

The above comments provide additional detail on the H3N2 outbreak in Garden Hill in northern Manitoba, but critical details are missing. Media reports on December 2 did not include the serotype of the first fatality, suggesting characterization has been minimal. Similarly, the serotype for the second case had not been confirmed on December 3, although H3N2 was expected.

However, H3N2 fatalities are usually associated with patients over 65. Indeed, prior to the cases described above, Canada had reported two H3N2 deaths and both were over 65, which historically is the age of more than 90% of H3N2 fatalities. These elderly patients usually have significant chronic conditions that lead to the deaths. The severity of the underlying conditions in the above fatalities is far from clear.

Those under 65 rarely die from seasonal H3N2 and also rarely cough up blood, which has been described for 20 of the cases in northern Manitoba according to media reports, which would presumably include the three and five year old described above...”


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