Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Extraordinary Flurry of Quakes in Baja Ca. & S. California


Extraordinary Number of US Quakes – Still Climbing

April 11, 2010
The shaking hasn't stopped after a 7.2 earthquake rattled the U.S. and Mexico Easter Sunday. Yesterday around 2 a.m. local time, a respectable 4.5 quake rattled San Diego, which was followed by more than a dozen Richter 3's in the same area.

The most events I can ever recall for the U.S. was 1,482 on May 3, 2008. Normally the USGS registers around 700-800 events in America that show on the US maps. This includes all quakes occurring in Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. There's a lot of real estate where quakes can shake.

Maps start to look interesting when they hit 1,100 shakes. Aftershocks from the Easter quake have rocketed this tally way beyond anything we've experienced in recent years. U.S. quakes are approaching the 4,000 ground breaking benchmark.

When you click the map on the right, you can read the number of quake events both for the Cal-Nevada area as well as the U.S. total. Over 3,700 quakes have hit the U.S in the last week. Of those, these areas account for 161 shakes: Puerto Rico – 37, Hawaii – 7, and Alaska – 117. Another 285 are scattered throughout Washington, Yellowstone/Montana, Utah and in a "smiley face" across New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. That leaves the vast majority – over 3,270 – pummeling California. That is mighty…”


More Moving and Shaking, But Why?

The number of earthquakes greater than magnitude 4.0 in Southern California and Baja California has increased significantly in 2010. Scientists are studying the uptick but cannot fully explain it.

April 12, 2010If you've been feeling more shaking this year, it's not your imagination.

The number of earthquakes greater than magnitude 4.0 in Southern California and Baja California has increased significantly in 2010. There have been 70 such quakes so far this year, the most of any year in the last decade. And it's only April. There were 30 in 2009 and 29 in 2008.



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