Friday, April 30, 2010

Setting-up US Military for Destruction

The US must be removed if the Globalists are to have their New World Order. It is believed that the US lacks conventional defenses against Russia' sunburn and sidewinder missiles. Further, it is believed that Russia has provided these missiles to Iran. This makes the US Navy sitting ducks.....unless, unconventional methods have been developed sufficiently e.g. laser & microwave weapons, etc.

Nonetheless, this move by the Muslim-in-Chief is dangerous......probably by design, as all of his moves to date have been designed to destroy America.

US Gulf units may not fire on Iranian military without White House say-so
April 29, 2010,

The US Fifth Fleet and US aircraft carrier USS Eisenhower in the Gulf of Oman were not allowed to shoot at an Iranian Fokker F27 aircraft which on April 21 hovered for 20 minutes 900 meters over the carrier and no more than 250 meters away, even though they saw its flight crew gathering intelligence on the Eisenhower and its warship escorts.

DEBKA-Net-Weekly's military sources report that the US Persian Gulf command went public on the incident on April 28, a whole week later, only after Gulf military circles, amazed at the American naval and air units' passivity in the face of hostile surveillance, threatened to break the story to local media.

This striking restraint indicates that the US Gulf and Arabian fleets are under orders to take no action - certainly not to open fire - against Iranian naval or air units, with first obtaining permission directly from Washington.

Military, naval and aviation sources told DEBKA-Net-Weekly that the Iranian spy plane was 10 second away from flying directly over the Eisenhower and could easily have been shot down….”



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