Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Up to 100 dead in Brazil after worst rains in 50 years


April 7, 2010
Up to 100 people have died in Brazil after the most intense rains in half a century turned roads into rivers, triggering flooding and mudslides.

A state of emergency has been announced in the Rio de Janeiro area where most of the mudslides occurred. Officials warned that the death toll of 95 will probably rise.
Scores of houses in the hillside shanty towns that ring Rio were buried by mudslides, and flooding was so intense that the city's residents were urged to remain indoors and not venture into the centre, where streets were impassable.

Rio de Janeiro Mayor Eduardo Paes said in a statement: "The situation is chaos. All the major streets of the city are closed because of the floods. Each and every person who attempts to enter them will be at enormous risk.'' ..."



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