Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strange Warning to Israelis to Evacuate Sinai

Seems like a strange warning.....some see it as much more, as a warning that all hell is about to break loose from Israeli planes.....especially, in view of the issuance of biological gear a few days ago as in the second link.

Israel warned of plans to kidnap Israeli in Sinai

April 13, 2020
The Counter-Terrorism Bureau on Tuesday warned all Israelis currently visiting Egypt's Sinai Peninsula to leave immediately, citing a concrete threat that terrorists were planning to kidnap Israeli nationals. Major General Nitzan Nuriel, who heads the Bureau, said the warning was issued after the defense establishment received an intelligence tip that terrorists were planning to kidnap an Israeli tourist and smuggle him to the Gaza Strip through a tunnel.

"We call on all Israelis now in Sinai to leave at once and return to Israel," said the warning. "Families of Israelis now in Sinai are requested to make contact and update them of this travel warning."…”


Israel Distributes Biochemical War Protection Kits



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