Thursday, April 1, 2010

Illuminati Continue to Demonize Christians & Patriots

The ink wasn't even dry on the unconstitutional law to nationalize/control the health care of all Americans, and the Feds raided a Midwest Christian 'terrorist' group. Additionally, we were told that several of the honorable Democrats had been threatened by others. Now we have some anonymous letter appearing regarding 'threats' to the government in Nevada.

It would seem that the Globalists are making their move to demonize Christians and patriots who are aware of their evil scheme to establish a global government, a global currency, a global religion via whatever propaganda they can muster........

Nevada Capitol Locked Down in Wake of Threats

“State workers and visitors to the Nevada Capitol were surprised Wednesday morning to find all but the front door locked and metal detectors for both packages and people set up at the entrance.

The Capitol was locked down late Tuesday after the FBI advised the governors of all 50 states they would be receiving letters from an extremist group demanding their resignations.

The letters advises those governors that, if they don't resign, members of the group will come and “commandeer” their offices. It was received by the Capitol Police at noon Monday and immediately turned over to FBI investigators….”


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