Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Orchestrated Oil Spill & Poor Response

BP's Macondo well & a poor response, and such poor response included making a 2 dimensional problem (floating oil) a 3 dimensional problem by adding dispersant to disperse/emulsify the oil at all depths (not to mention letting it flow instead of capping it early on); China's pipeline explosion and resultant spill being hidden, and addressed poorly; a tug & barge ram into a well-illuminated wellhead/Christmas tree (which is listed on the GPS mapping system,) and it is allowed to gush for an extended period of time......and now a million+ gallon oil spill in the Kalamazoo river which flows into Lake Michigan......are the Globalists finished yet? Have they created enough serious problems to justify the US ceding its sovererignty over its waterways to the UN via the proposed LOST treaty? gain support for the Cap & Trade tax upon Americans to finance World Govt. ? .....for Obamanation to gain support to shut down offshore drilling?

Americans under attack. Gassed north to south

July 29, 2010
Americans are being gassed from poisons spewing and spreading north to south. Odd, major oil spills within hours and with investigated anomalies suggest terrorists in the midst, but not those pesky peace and human rights workers that government, military and petrochemical companies call "terrorists" and subject to hit-squad treatment.

Within 48 hours, adding to BP's Gulf of Mexico suspicious gushing toxins that, with government condoned deadly Corexit, is 11 times more lethal than crude oil, more crude suddenly spewed 20-feet high in south Louisiana bayou country from a mystery well accessible only by boat and over 800,000 gallons more gushed from an underground pipeline connecting the U.S. to Canada.
Canadian troops, 2,400 of them, have been on 72-hour stand-by duty for deployment on U.S. soil for weeks according to IntelHub that reported…


…The nation's people, water and food supply is being contaminated north to south. A hurricane blowing in from the south or east would churn tropical waters, sweep more chemicals inland through wind and rain, and magnify suffering of Southerners. Already, toxic rain is being reported as far north from the Gulf as New York and as far east as Colorado, coating people and their food, seeping poison into the nation's water supply.

Now Michigan has become home of one of the nation's biggest oil spill disasters in history, and one of the most poisonous places to be with 860,000 gallons of crude heading for Kalamazoo, Michigan….

…A warning may have sounded as early as 2:30 am Monday but allegedly went unreported to federal authorities for up to 11 hours….

…barrel is burned into the air, dumped on the land or dumped into the water.

Louisiana's new gusher yesterday is in water connected to a network of waterways. AP reports, "Mud Lake is part of a network of bayous and lakes north of Barataria Bay, an ecologically sensitive coastal estuary where authorities have been fighting waves of oil from the Gulf spill."…”


Mich. oil 'tragedy of historic proportions' military leap?

July 29, 2010
Michigan's Kalamazoo River oil "spill," believed to be over one million gallons, is possibly leading the nation toward both tragedy and dictatorship with military powers of historic proportions under Obama's National Emergency he declared, now with American troops poised for urban duty and Canadian troops on 72-hour stand-by. This latest "spill" is possibly a military leap not for mankind, but for New World Order that it serves.

Why the delayed response?

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm is "sharply criticizing efforts to contain the spill" and warning of a "tragedy of historic proportions" if oil reaches Lake Michigan, only some 80 miles downstream according to AP. The oil is almost half-way there. …”



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