Thursday, July 1, 2010

Obama: Mr Mass Destruction

Howard Davidowitz: U.S. Economy "Is a Complete Disaster

Jul 01, 2010
The U.S. economy is in shambles and Americans will continue to see high unemployment and lower living standards in the years to come, Howard Davidowitz tells Henry and Aaron in the accompanying clip.

Davidowitz lays much of the blame for the economy's woes at the feet of the Obama administration, which he calls "the worst of my lifetime."

Obama "Mr. Mass Destruction"
Davidowitz says that the key to Obama's success is his ability to sell his policies to the public. He can confidently read from a teleprompter and appear competent and in control, when in reality, "it's one big bag of empty words," Davidowitz says of Obama's messages.

Davidowitz contends that the President's spending, including the health-care bill, is creating massive deficits that will take the U.S. years to dig itself out of. "He is Mr. Mass Destruction," Davidowitz says of Obama. "I mean he is a human destroyer. This guy has spent his way into oblivion and we don't have a budget. He is surrounded by a bunch of complete incompetents, led by himself. "…”



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