Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Globalists and the 3 Oil Spills

What is the probability that the BP Macondo well would blow out (outrageous reckless behavior employed), the China pipeline would explode, and now a tug runs into the Christmas tree of a well causing additional spillage of crude into the marshes of Louisiana.......all within a short period of time? n.b. the locations of wells are well-illuminated for night traffic and typically available on GPS maps. Add to this the fact that the Globalists want 'support' for: (1) their Cap & Trade confiscatory tax on the US to support world government, (2) the US to sign the LOST treaty ceding its claim to the open seas to the UN, and (3) Obama closing offshore oil and gas drilling and production to support his phony 'green' program.

Oil spewing from well near Louisiana marsh
20-foot-high plume seen; tug boat hit well before dawn, officials say

Adding insult to the Gulf's injury, a wellhead hit by a tug boat is now spewing oil near a Louisiana marsh area, officials said Tuesday.

The oil is shooting up 20 feet into the air, the office of Plaquemines Parish President Billy Nungesser said.

"We cannot catch a break," Deano Bonano, Jefferson Parish emergency management director, said in a note to parish officials.

The well is in inland waterways on the border of Plaquemines and Jefferson parishes, about 65 miles south of New Orleans; it's marsh area not accessible by road….”


China oil spill doubles in size, called 'severe threat'


Evidence Indicates the Well Blowout in the GOM Was Orchestrated




  1. .
    US crews try to contain oil that leaked from pipeline into major Michigan river

    BATTLE CREEK, Michigan (AP) — Southern Michigan residents are learning that devastating oil spills aren't limited to the Gulf Coast.

    Crews were working Wednesday to contain and clean up an estimated 877,000 gallons (3,319,708 liters) of oil that coated birds and fish as it poured into a creek and flowed into the Kalamazoo River, one of the state's major waterways….”




  2. .

    Oil spill update: State of emergency declared as 800,000 gallons of leaked oil begins flowing through Kalamazoo County


