Thursday, July 8, 2010

UK Government Forcing Digital Radio Upon Population

Is this another move to monitor our every discussion? We are betting that it is. See link below about Digital TV: The Trojan Horse of the New World Order.

Millions of motorists face £300 bill to install digital radios as ministers press ahead with FM switch-off

7th July 2010
Millions of motorists will be forced to spend hundreds of pounds replacing or converting their car radios with new digital sets.

The coalition Government is to press on with controversial plans to switch off FM and medium wave radio in favour of digital – leaving much of the nation with no option but to pay out for new equipment both at home and in the car.

Despite serious concerns that the public neither wants nor is ready for the change, Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt is expected to announce he will stick with Labour’s plans for a mass switchover in the next five years.

Switchover: Cars will need to be fitted with digital radios before analogue sets become obsolete by 2015

The move will cost consumers hundreds of pounds as they are forced to update and change their analogue radios at home and in their cars, before they become obsolete.

As many as 100 million analogue radios will become largely redundant after 2015 and around 20 million car radios will be useless - leaving many without their favourite stations….”


Digital TV: The Trojan Horse of the New World Order


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