Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Large Quakes Shifting Earth's Axis

7.2 Magnitude Earthquake Moved California City By 31 Inches

June 28, 2010
“June 28, (THAINDIAN NEWS) NASA radar images show that the powerful earthquake of magnitude 7.2 which struck Baja California in the month of April has actually displaced a city on the US-Mexico border by 31-inches or so. Calexico, a city situated near the US-Mexico border has shifted by two and a half feet after the massive earthquake hit the state in the month of April. The quake was followed by a slew of after shocks that caused major damage to the nation….

…This is not the first time that an earth quake has displaced a city to an extent. Chile had suffered the safe fate earlier this year when a massive earthquake of magnitude 8.8 hit the nation. It is said that the impact of the powerful quake shifted the city of Concepscion to 3 meters to the West. According to the researchers, powerful earth quakes might also play a pivotal role in shifting the earth’s axis which will result in the change of the planet’s days. The earthquake that hit Chile is said to have lessened the length of a day by 1.26 microseconds, according to the researchers.”


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