Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bankrupting the USA as Fast as They Can

They are driving the USA into bankruptcy as fast as they can. You can't have any Superpowers around interferring with their Masonic New World Order. It is estimated that the aggregated federal, state and municipal debt in the USA is between $55 - $60 trillion.....

Does this sound like a country that can afford to nationalize its health care?

National Debt Up $2 Trillion on Obama's Watch

March 16, 2010

The latest posting from the Treasury Department shows the National Debt has increased over $2 trillion since President Obama took office.

The debt now stands at $12.6 trillion. On the day Mr. Obama took office it was $10.6 trillion.
President George W. Bush still holds the record for the most debt run up on his watch: $4.9 trillion. But it took him over four years to rack up the first two trillion dollars in debt. It has taken Mr. Obama 421 days….”


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