Friday, March 19, 2010

Paving the Way for Additional Christian Persecution

While we can agree that smoking tobacco is unhealthy, and would encourage the youth to abstain from tobacco, what we have here is another in a litany of forthcoming attacks upon the liberty of Americans cloaked in a sugar coated glaze of a good cause. What am I referring to? The forthcoming banning of the public display of anything Christian e.g. crucifixes, holy pictures, blessed sacramentals, etc.

FDA Expands Ban on Tobacco Sales, Ads for Kids
New Rule Forbids Tobacco Sponsorships, Sales, Gear Aimed at Youths

March 18, 2010 -- A new FDA rule greatly expands current restrictions on the sale and advertising of tobacco products to children and teens.

The new rule is made possible by last year's passage of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which gave the FDA the long-sought power to regulate tobacco.

The rule, which has the force of federal law, takes effect on June 22. Among its provisions:

· Bans sale of cigarettes or smokeless tobacco to anyone under age 18.
· Forbids tobacco brand-name sponsorship of any "athletic, musical, or other social or cultural event, or any team or entry in those events."
· Bans sale of cigarette packs containing fewer than 20 cigarettes.
· Bans sale of cigarettes via vending machines or self-service displays "except in very limited situations."
· Prohibits free samples of cigarettes and limits samples of smokeless tobacco.
· Forbids gifts in exchange for buying tobacco products.
· Allows only words -- and no music or sound effects -- in audio ads for tobacco products.
· Bans the sale or distribution of gear, such as hats and T-shirts, with tobacco brands or logos.

Defending the restrictions on youth-oriented tobacco ads, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius noted that the indirect advertising allowed under current rules is effectively reaching young people….”


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