Monday, March 22, 2010

India to issue all 1.2 billion citizens with biometric ID cards

The Indian government has announced that it is to issue all of its 1.2 billion citizens with biometric identity cards.

15 Jul 2009

The operation will be run by the Unique Identification Authority, a new government department created specifically for the task of assigning every living Indian an exclusive number and gathering and electronically storing their personal details.

It is hoped that the operation, which is expected to cost at least £3 billion, will fight corruption but it could also be used to identify illegal immigrants and tackle terrorism. …

…"But we have the opportunity to give every Indian citizen, for the first time, a unique identity. We can transform the country," he told The Times. …

A computer chip in each card will contain personal data and proof of identity, such as fingerprint or iris scans. Criminal records and credit histories may also be included. …”



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