Friday, March 26, 2010

Massive Unemployment & Financial Collapse Coming

A Rise in Unemployment And Moral Hazard To Contend With

March 24 2010

“…Over the past 50 years we have seen many bubbles. They have come and gone and the aftermath sometimes has lasted years, all from the courtesy of our privately owned Federal Reserve. We can remember those many years ago when we tried to explain to others that the Fed was owned by American and European bankers we were scoffed at. Well, finally the message has gotten through. These are the people who create bubbles for profit and power….

We have contended since the bubble’s inception that the results were deliberately created and preordained to take down the American and world economy, which as we now well know ended in a credit crisis, the explosion of MBS, CDOs and ABS, particularly in Europe and the US. This credit bubble didn’t just happen. There wasn’t a mistake made. It was all planned and Greenspan and Bernanke deliberately looked the other way. In fact, Sir Alan Greenspan was knighted for his efforts in behalf of the Illuminists by the Queen of England. It was another giant scam by the Federal Reserve designed to bring the US and the world into world government and that plan is still in operation. The Fed is the moving force in this episode and that is why the Fed has to be audited. An investigation will show this and many other events that supposedly were mistakes, were well planned and executed. Those who believe it was mismanagement just do not get it. There is no complicity, only intent. Interest rates do not fall to 75-year lows by chance. The key to monetary management is that you do not allow bubbles to happen. Greenspan made the same mistake late in 1995, with his infamous massive irrational exuberance comment, when all he had to do was raise margin rates 5%, but he didn’t want to do that. He wanted or was instructed to not obstruct the dotcom boom, which also ended in collapse. These bubbles were deliberately created. It is the function of the Fed to make sure they do not happen in the first place. Monetary policy is not a rearguard action; it has to be the leading component of a sound money policy. Instead it has been light years in the opposite direction. Even today after 2-1/2 years in an ongoing credit crisis with 19 major countries on the verge of bankruptcy and the failure of their sovereign debt, all the Fed and other central banks are concerned about is bailing out banks, investment banks, brokerage houses and insurance companies, with taxpayer debt. Simultaneously the public is fed a bowl of porridge and is told by our controlled media that everything will be all right. Well, it isn’t all right. We are headed toward the biggest deflationary depression in the history of our country – far worse than 1929 and 1872.

Even today Mr. Greenspan believes liquidity should not be restrained. Supposedly this liquidity in the right hands in time will solve the problem. This is the same old song. Banks today have two sets of books and plenty of liquidity, but they are not lending and that is because they know what is coming and are preparing for it. Why do you think the BIS and FASD did not in January demand that balance sheets be market-to-market, not to model as they have been. They knew most of these financial institutions, even though flush with cash, are actually insolvent. There is plenty of liquidity, but the funds belong to the Fed not to the banks, which still average leverage of 40 to 1 after 2-1/2 years. The only thing that has been written off or losses taken on are the CDOs and ABS that the Fed has conveniently purchased from lenders to the tune of $1.2 trillion. Worse, the Fed refused to tell us what they paid for this toxic garbage and from whom it was purchased. These are the same criminals who talk about transparency. Their actions have been indefensible.

The result is continued instability and a grinding path toward an international financial collapse led by the US and England….

…The Fed, treasury, government, banking and Wall Street do not care anymore that you know what they are doing. They believe they control everything and can do as they please. No rules, not even a Constitution. Our regulators know fully what is going on and won’t lift a finger to stop it….

…These people do whatever they want and get away with it. Fraud is endemic throughout the entire financial system….

…there were 35 metropolitan areas with unemployment rates at or above 15% in January. California and Michigan remain the hardest hit, with 19 cities in California showing rates above 15%, according to the Labor Department. Michigan logged the next highest number, with 6….

…Overall, jobless rates increased in 363 of the nation's 372 metropolitan areas in January….

Our sources inside banking that attends Fed meetings says they expect millions of people to be laid off by small businesses starting in 2011, as they have to comply with new high insurance premiums. They said to watch the new regulations that the elitist are trying to put into place side by side with health care. They said they have seen the draft and it is terrifying. It encompasses a complete nationalization of banks under the guise of consumer protection. There you have it, dear subscribers. This is where we are headed. This is the same source who told us that the dollar would be officially devalued, that there would be debt default and that government would refuse to finance the FDIC after it ran out of funds.

Regulators have shut down seven banks in five states, bringing to 37 the number of bank failures in the U.S. so far this year….”


The Demise of the US Republic


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