Friday, March 19, 2010

US Nationalization of Health Care is Tyranny

.'s all about control.

ObamaCare is Tyranny, Not Legislation

March 18, 2010

What we're seeing in Washington, D.C. is not "politics as usual" with the arm twisting and "horse-trading" that is typical in getting a bill passed; instead, it is ideological warfare. What Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are doing is not legislating; it is an act of tyranny -- overturning all the rules and principles of government in a representative democracy. Attempting to pass the Senate version of ObamaCare in the House under the ironically named "Slaughter Rule" (to circumvent the objections of the Stupak coalition to taxpayer funding of abortion) is an exercise in raw power akin to the many acts of judicial tyranny the American public has endured over the last forty years from judges who have little regard for the Constitution….

…Leaders across the nation --- nearly half a million strong --- have already signed the Manhattan Declaration declaring that moral principles take precedence over laws that ignore the value of human life and individual freedom…

…Manhattan Declaration-signers have said that civil disobedience is necessary when faced with gravely unjust laws requiring submission to other laws that violate our principled moral beliefs about abortion, marriage, and religious freedom. As the Manhattan Declaration states, "We will fully and ungrudgingly render to Caesar what is Caesar's. But under no circumstances will we render to Caesar what is God's."

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