Saturday, March 20, 2010

Barak Obama & the Rape of America

They must have control.....control of every aspect of our lives. Look for them to continue blackmailing and buying votes until their tyrannical grab for power is "passed". Look for the final legislation, to not only support wholesale abortion, but to require unique human identifiers.....That is, the Subdermal Microchip (the Mark of the Beast - Rev 13).

Barack Obama and the date-rape of America

March 05, 2010

Good Americans from sea to shining sea are grappling right now with how to mentally process what they're witnessing in Washington, D.C.

The spectacle of a far leftist president literally forcing socialized medicine down the throat of an unwilling center-right America is reminiscent, perhaps more than any other contemporary metaphor, of date rape.

A man determined to have his way with a woman may start off seducing her with lies, flattery and the usual pretense of caring about her. But at a critical moment, when she says, "Stop, I'm not comfortable with this and don't want to go any further," he has a choice: Either do the right thing and back off, or abandon all prior pretensions and take her by force.

As president, Barack Obama courted us with sweet talk, but America grew increasingly uncomfortable with his advances and firmly said, "Stop" – in fact, screamed bloody murder for months. Yet Obama remains obsessed with forcing himself on America.

Put aside for the moment the fact that Obama is single-handedly destroying the Democratic Party for years, perhaps decades, by maniacally pursuing Obamacare as though it were Moby Dick and he Captain Ahab, leading all the Pequod's hapless Democrat crewmen into political destruction.

Rather, let's focus on how to truly understand what we're seeing – something virtually unprecedented in the American experience, at least in our lifetimes..."



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