Thursday, March 11, 2010

US Senate Calls For Mandatory National ID Smart Card

"Your papers, please comrade."

US Senate Plan Calls for National ID Card to Curb Illegal Immigration

10 Mar 2010
A national ID card using biometric data such as fingerprints is at the center of an immigration reform bill being hammered out in the U.S. Senate – a measure that once again probably will pit advocates of homeland security and tough immigration enforcement against civil libertarians, employers and immigrant rights groups.The new effort by Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Lindsey Graham, R- S.C., will revive the “Real ID” debate that has festered for years with little effect on illegal immigration. Under their plan, a universally required card would be encoded with all sorts of information regarding the holder, as well as contain a unique biometric signature created from either fingerprints or the vein patterns on the tops of the hands.Bottom line: Employers will not be able to hire applicants who do not present a valid ID….”


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