Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Police State Tactics to be Employed in Houston

More civil freedoms surrendered to the State due to the threat of 'terrorism'; while unanswered questions about 911 remain........qui bono?

Houston Police To Begin Training Officers To Staff Checkpoints
March 23, 2010

The Houston Police Department is poised to do what no other civilian police department in the United States has yet to publicly do. On the desk of the Chief of Police is the authorization to begin training officers to staff checkpoints at key infrastructure points throughout the city….

The Special Response Group, which was created in 1992 to deal with protestors at the Republican National Convention is the main crowd control unit in the Houston Police Department. They receive 40 hours of training annually in riot control and mass arrest scenarios. This group has a sub-group called the Hard Team, which receive an additional 32 hours of more intense training per year. This training includes pain compliance techniques, dispersal of chemical agents, rubber bullets, crowd control grenades, as well as many other less-lethal munitions. Now, the Hard Team is poised to get another sub-group called the Checkpoint Team.

This Checkpoint Team will be armed with Assault Rifle Carbines with shoot to kill orders and tasked with manning sensitive areas such as airports, chemical refineries, and any other critical infrastructure locations. By the very nature of their training it is but only a small step for them to be tasked to man check points throughout the city, turning it into a defacto internment camp….”



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