Thursday, March 4, 2010

Depleted Uranium: One of the Greatest Environmental Horrors Ever

Armor piercing shells are made of Depleted Uranium. As they explode upon impact, the DU is turned into radioactive dust, carried by the wind, and inhaled. Further, many armored-vehicles have armor made of DU. US & Allied soldiers are being exposed to this as well. DU will make Agent Orange fo the Viet Nam era look pale in comparision.

Depleted Uranium – One Of The Greatest Environmental Horrors In The History Of The World

“…So what exactly are depleted uranium munitions?

They are essentially "dirty bombs" made from nuclear waste.

Depleted Uranium is a waste product of the nuclear enrichment process. Despite claims that depleted uranium is much less radioactive than natural uranium, the truth is that it actually emits about 75% as much radioactivity as natural uranium.

This makes it highly toxic to humans.

When depleted uranium munitions impact a target, the uranium coating of these weapons becomes a powder which easily contaminates the surrounding air, soil and water.
Depleted uranium is both chemically toxic and highly radioactive. In laboratory tests it severely damages human cells, causes DNA mutations and has other carcinogenic effects….”


Fallujah doctors report rise in birth defects

Doctors in the Iraqi city of Fallujah are reporting a high level of birth defects, with some blaming weapons used by the US after the Iraq invasion.

The city witnessed fierce fighting in 2004 as US forces carried out a major offensive against insurgents.

Now, the level of heart defects among newborn babies is said to be 13 times higher than in Europe...."


Lung Cancer Epidemic From Depleted Uranium Has Begun

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